About Downloading E-Statements
If your financial institution offers online services and supports bank feeds or the Open Financial Exchange (OFX) data format, you can download electronic statements for reconciliation.
For bank feeds, you download transactions in the Reconcile E-Statements screen.
For OFX statements, follow the instructions on your financial institution's website to download statements. After downloading an OFX statement, use the Bank Import OFX Statements screen to import the statement into your Sage 300 database.
Whether you use bank feeds or OFX statements, once you have downloaded an e-statement you use the Reconcile E-Statements screen to reconcile the downloaded statements. For more information, see Bank Reconcile E-Statements Screen.
Before downloading and reconciling e-statements, ensure that your system administrator has assigned you the following security rights:
- Import Bank Services Data
- Reconcile Bank Statements
Currency Concerns
In a multicurrency Sage 300 system, the default currency for your downloaded bank statement must be the same as the statement currency or one of the source currencies specified for that bank in your Sage 300 system.