A/P Post Batches Screen

Specify the type of batch to post.
You can post only one type of batch at a time.

Specify batches to post:
- All Batches. Post all open invoice batches.
- Range. Post a range of batches. If you select this option, you must also specify the starting and ending batch numbers in the range.
- If the Force Listing Of Batches option is selected on the A/P Options screen, you must print listings of the batches you post.
Only batches that are set Ready To Post can be posted.
For more information, see A/P Invoice Batch List Screen.
Use the A/P Post Batches screen to post batches of payments, invoices, or adjustments to vendor accounts.
You can post only one type of batch at a time. However, you can post a single batch, a range of batches, or all unposted batches of the chosen type.
Important! Batches are posted only if they are marked Ready To Post on the respective Batch List screen.
You can post all batches that are marked Ready To Post, or a range of batches that you specify.