Entering a Debit Note or a Credit Note
About Calculating Early Payment Discounts
About Entering Multicurrency Invoices, Credit Notes, and Debit Notes
About Entering Optional Fields on Invoices
About Processing Invoices, Credit Notes, Debit Notes, and Interest
You use the A/P Invoice Entry screen to add debit notes and credit notes to invoice batches.
For an overview of invoice entry, see About Processing Invoices, Credit Notes, Debit Notes, and Interest.

- Find out the invoice number to which the debit note or credit note applies, if any.
Note: If the debit note or credit note applies to several invoices or is issued on account (for example, as a purchase volume rebate), you apply the credit note or "pay" the debit note later, using the A/P Payment Entry screen.
- For credit notes generated from P/O for invoices that have reverse charges:
- On the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen, ensure that the Allow Edit of External Batches option is selected.
- On the A/P Batch Listing screen, for the batch that was generated from PO, enter No in the Ready To Post field.
To add a debit note or a credit note:
Accounts Payable > A/P Transactions > Invoice Entry.
- Select an existing batch using the Batch Number field, or create a new batch. More...
- Click the Create New Entry button to start a new document.
- In the Entry Description field, enter a description for the new entry.
Enter header information for the document on the Document tab. More...
Enter distribution details in the detail entry table. More...
To check or change the general ledger accounts and tax information for a detail, click the Edit icon
in the Taxes column to open the Detail Taxes screen.
For more information, see Editing Taxes on an Invoice, Debit Note, or Credit Note.
- To check or change tax information for the document, click the Taxes tab.
For more information, see Editing Taxes on an Invoice, Debit Note, or Credit Note.
For credit notes generated from P/O for invoices that have reverse charges, you must manually adjust the Tax Amount and Reverse Charges Amount. More...
- On a document from which retainage will be deducted, use the Retainage tab to specify terms for the retainage document. In a multicurrency ledger, you also specify the type of rate to use when you process the retainage.
- If you use invoice optional fields, click the Optional Fields tab to view or edit the optional fields assigned to this invoice.
- If the document does not use the functional currency and you need to check or adjust exchange rate information, use the Rates tab.
For more information, see Editing Exchange Rate Information on an Invoice.
- Click Save to add this document to the batch.

- Print the invoice.
- Print the A/P Batch Listing report. Make corrections, if needed, and then reprint the listing for each corrected batch. File the printed reports for your audit trail.
Note: If the Force Listing Of All Batches option is selected on the A/P Options screen, you must print batch listings before posting batches.