A/P Options Screen
About Selecting Accounts Payable Options
About Displaying Open Documents in Payment Entry

Use this tab to change company contact information for Accounts Payable.
Note: Changes you make on this tab apply only to Accounts Payable. To change contact information at the company level, use the Company Profile screen in Common Services.

Enter the name of the contact at the company.

Enter the fax number for the company.

Enter the phone number for the company.

The Document Type column lists the types of documents to which you can assign the next document number.

Accounts Payable lets you set separate document number lengths for recurring payables, payments, prepayments, and adjustment transactions to be assigned automatically by Accounts Payable.
Use this column to restrict the length of these document numbers to a maximum of 22 characters, including prefixes.

The Next Number column displays the number that Accounts Payable will assign to the next recurring-payable, prepayment, payment, and adjustment transaction.
If you want, you can enter the next number to assign to each document type.
If you assign document numbers automatically, Accounts Payable assigns a unique number to each document you add to a batch. The number is a combination of the prefix that identifies the transaction type and a number that is assigned sequentially, starting with the number you specify.
You can change the next number at any time. However, you must be sure not to assign a number and prefix you have used before. You cannot post duplicate document numbers in Accounts Payable.

If you plan to use Accounts Payable to assign document numbers automatically and you want to continue with the document numbers in your previous payables system, use the Prefix fields on the Numbering tab to enter the prefixes you use to assign document numbers to recurring payables, payments, prepayments, and adjustments.
You can use up to six characters in each prefix and you must use a different prefix for each type of document. Alternatively, you can accept the default prefixes that appear.
If you assign document numbers automatically, Accounts Payable assigns a unique number to each document you add to a batch. The number is a combination of the prefix you enter to identify the transaction type and a number that is assigned sequentially, starting with the number you specify in the Next Number field.
You can change the prefixes at any time. However, be sure not to assign a prefix that will create duplicates of document numbers that have already been assigned. You cannot post two transactions with the same document number in Accounts Payable.

Specify how to accumulate statistics:
- Calendar Year. If you choose this option, the starting date for statistics will be January 1st.
- Fiscal Year. If you choose this option, the starting date for statistics will be the first day of your fiscal year.

When you have credit notes and debit notes that do not apply to specific invoice numbers or other documents, you can report the amounts in the aging periods that contain their document dates, or you can group them all in the current (not due) period.
You use the Age Unapplied Credit Notes and Debit Notes option to make this choice, which you can change at any time.
Note: This option has no effect on credit notes and debit notes that are applied to specific document numbers. Applied amounts are always included in the same aging periods as the documents to which they apply.

When you have prepayments that do not apply to specific invoice numbers or other documents, you can report the amounts in the aging periods that contain their document dates, or you can group them all in the current (not due) period.
You use the Age Unapplied Prepayments option to make this choice, which you can change at any time.
Note: This option has no effect on prepayments that are applied to specific document numbers. Applied amounts are always included in the same aging periods as the documents to which they apply.

Use the Aging fields to set the default time periods into which Accounts Payable groups outstanding or overdue transactions for the Overdue Payables and Aged Cash Requirements reports.
You can change the lengths of the periods for an individual report when you are about to print. You can also change the default periods at any time.

This option lets you revise information in batches generated for Accounts Payable in other Sage 300 programs. Do not use the option if you want to ensure that the external batches are posted without changes in Accounts Payable.
You can change your choice for this option at any time, using it to increase your auditing and supervisory control of external batches and reducing the possibility of errors from accidental editing.

This option lets you revise information in batches you import from other programs. Do not use the option if you want to ensure that imported batches are posted without changes in Accounts Payable.
You can change your choice for this option at any time, using it to increase your auditing and supervisory control of imported batches and reducing the possibility of errors from accidental editing.

Accounts Payable automatically accumulates statistics from the transactions you post to vendor accounts, and displays them in the Vendors and Vendor Groups screens.
Select the Allow Edit Of Statistics option if you want to enter or revise period statistics that are kept for vendors and vendor groups, as well as the current-year and previous-year activity statistics that are display on the Vendors screen.
Tip: Turn on the editing option while you are setting up your Accounts Payable system, particularly if you are creating the system partway through an accounting year. You can then enter more complete payables records by adding the statistics from your previous system.
Once your system is operating, you can turn off the option because the program automatically updates the statistics when you post invoice, adjustment, and payment transactions.
You may also decide to use the option to edit vendor group statistics if you change a vendor's group, or to edit a particular statistic because unusual circumstances have exaggerated the amount. For example, if a single invoice remained unpaid for a long period on an otherwise satisfactory account, you could adjust the total number of days to pay or the total number of paid invoices to correct the average so that it more accurately reflects your company's paying habits for the vendor.

Use this option to specify the number of days for which to retain comments that you enter in vendor records.
The number you specify sets the default expiration date for comments on the Vendors screen, but you can change the date for each comment you add.

Use this option to make sure that you print listings of all invoice, payment, and adjustment batches before you post them. You must also print new listings of batches you edit.
This option helps to ensure that you keep your audit trail intact. You can print batch listings whether or not you use the option. You can also print posting journals that provide complete information about the contents of all posted Accounts Payable batches.
You can change your choice for this option at any time.

The functional currency for your company is set in Common Services (on the Company Profile screen) and, once it is assigned, it cannot be changed.
All Sage 300 modules activated for a company use the same functional currency.

If your company pays taxes on its purchases and you want to include tax amounts in the statistical totals that are kept for vendors and vendor groups, select the Include Tax In Statistics option.
If you do not select the option, statistics are based on before-tax totals.
You can change your selection at any time, but you should make changes only at the end of a reporting period. If you change before the end of a period, statistics for the period may include taxes in some amounts, but not in others, so that you cannot make meaningful comparisons within a period or with other periods.

Select this option if you want to store vendor and group statistics for your company.
You can turn this option on or off at any time, which is handy if your database is becoming too large. Also, with the option turned off, Accounts Payable can post transactions more quickly.
If you turn off this option, your system stops retaining information, but previously stored information remains intact.

Note: This option appears only if the Multicurrency option is selected on the Company Profile screen in Common Services.
You can turn on the Multicurrency option for Accounts Payable at any time. However, once you turn on the option and save your changes, you cannot turn it off.
You can use multicurrency and single-currency modules together. For example, you can post transactions from a multicurrency Accounts Payable system to a single-currency Sage 300 General Ledger.

You use the Period Type option to specify the length of period by which to accumulate and report statistics.
The choices for period type are: Weekly (calendar weeks), Seven Days (weeks that begin on the days and dates in your fiscal calendar), Bi-Weekly (every two weeks), Four Weeks, Monthly, Bi-Monthly (every two months), Quarterly, Semi-Annually, and Fiscal Period.

You set the option to use retainage accounting on the Processing tab of the A/P Options screen.
When you select the Retainage Accounting option, a Retainage tab appears on the A/P Options screen, letting you specify retainage processing options.
You can turn off the Retainage Accounting option, later, only if there are no unposted retainage batches and no outstanding retainage amounts.

Note: Some of the features described here are in development and may be unavailable.

Select whether retainage will be calculated on the document total before tax or after tax is included.

If you use multicurrency, specify whether to use the current exchange rate or the exchange rate used for the original document as the default for retainage documents.

Enter the percentage of the document total to withhold on invoices, credit notes, and debit notes. This percentage will appear as the default when you add new vendors, but you can change the retainage (or holdback) percentage for particular vendors in the vendor record.

Enter the number of days from the original document date that you can withhold the retained amount from vendors. The program determines the default retainage due date by adding the retention period to the original document date.
The default retention period is used for new vendor records, but you can specify different ones for individual vendors. You can also change the retention period on invoices.

Accounts Payable uses a separate numbering system to identify retainage documents that you generate using the Create Retainage Batch screen.
The retainage document numbering table lets you specify the next number, length, and prefix to assign to retainage invoices, credit notes, and debit notes, or you can accept the default that appears on the table.

The Retainage tab displays the date that you ran Create Retainage Batch from the Reminder List.

Enter the number of days before the retainage due date that you can generate retainage documents using the Create Retainage Batch screen.
For example, if you enter 5, you can generate the retainage invoice five days before the retainage is due.

Generally, when you post invoices, Accounts Payable posts tax amounts to a tax account (either tax recoverable or tax expense) or to another general ledger account, and it updates the tax tracking reports.
For retainage, when the tax is reported can differ. Some tax authorities expect you to report tax when you post a retainage document; others let you report tax when you post an original document to which retainage applies.
Use the Report Tax field to specify when to report tax on retainage:
- At Time Of Original Document. If you select this option, the program calculates and reports tax on retainage when you post an original document that includes retainage.
You can then use the Base Retainage Amount On field to specify whether to base retainage on amounts before tax or after tax.
As Per Tax Authority. If you select this option, the program calculates tax on retainage when you post an original document, but reports the tax as required by each tax authority:
- No Reporting. The tax amount is calculated and the tax tracking reports are updated immediately when you post original documents.
Note: You can select No Reporting for a tax authority only if you also use At Time Of Original Document for the Report Tax option in Accounts Payable.
- At Time Of Original Document. The tax amount is calculated and the tax tracking reports are updated immediately when you post original documents.
- At Time Of Retainage Document. The tax on retainage is calculated when you post the original document, but it is not reported until you post the retainage document.
Notes:- Tax reporting requirements are specified for each tax authority by the Report Tax On Retainage Document option, in Tax Services.
- When you specify As Per Tax Authority, retainage amounts are based on amounts before tax for all tax authorities and vendors.
- No Reporting. The tax amount is calculated and the tax tracking reports are updated immediately when you post original documents.

This option lets you enter adjustments in Accounts Payable payment batches during payment entry.
You might use this option, for example, when the amount of a check you are entering to pay an invoice differs slightly from the invoice total. You can quickly write off the difference when you enter the payment.
You can choose the batch to which you want to add the adjustment or create a new adjustment batch from Payment Entry.

Use this option if you want to edit 1099 or CPRS amounts (in the 1099/ CPRS Inquiry screen), or enter zero amounts for a service provided by a 1099/CPRS-designated vendor that is not subject to 1099/CPRS reporting.

Select this option if you need to edit system-generated check entries (created by the Create Payment Batch screen). Unless the option is selected, you cannot edit or delete checks, or delete the check batch.
Note: You should use this editing feature on an exception basis. By not selecting the option, you ensure that the amount of each posted check matches the pre-check register you printed.
The option applies only to batches created by the Create Payment Batch screen.

Select this option to allow changes to remit-to location information on the Payment Entry screen.

Use this option to display a warning or an error message, or no message when you attempt to process a check that uses the same number as an existing check for the same bank.

Select this option if you want to use document totals as default 1099/CPRS amounts on invoices, credit notes, and debit notes.

You must specify a default bank code before you can create payment batches.
Specify the default bank code you want to use for new payment batches. You should choose the bank on which you most often write checks.
Each batch of checks is assigned to one bank code, which determines the bank accounts on which checks are drawn, the currency of the checks, and check forms on which check information is printed.
You can change your choice for this option at any time.
Note: Bank codes are defined on the Bank Services screen in Common Services.

Select this option if you want to use 1 as the default tax class for new invoice details.
If you do not select this option, Accounts Payable uses the vendor tax class (from the Invoice Entry Taxes tab) as the default for new invoice details.

This option controls the order in which open documents (such as invoices that are not yet paid, or credit notes that have not been applied) are listed on the Payment Entry screen when you use Select mode to apply prepayments and credit notes.
You should display documents in the order that is easiest for you to use (by document number, purchase order number, due date, sales order number, document date, or balance due).
You can change your choice for this option at any time.

Specify the default payment code to use for vendors for which no default payment code is specified in the vendor record.

Specify whether to display the document date, batch date, or session date as the default posting date on the A/P Invoice Entry screen.
The posting date is the date that a document is posted to General Ledger, and it may be different from the document date. This distinction is particularly useful if you post a document to a different year or period from the document date.
You can change the posting date for particular transactions when you enter or edit them.
Note: If you consolidate G/L transactions, the posting date for consolidated entries is the last date of the fiscal period.

Specify whether to display the document date, batch date, or session date as the default posting date on the A/P Payment Entry screen.
The posting date is the date that a document is posted to General Ledger, and it may be different from the document date. This distinction is particularly useful when you post a document to a different year or period from the document date.
You can change the posting date for particular transactions when you enter or edit them.
Note: If you consolidate G/L transactions, the posting date for consolidated entries is the last date of the fiscal period.

Specify a default method for entering tax amounts on Accounts Payable invoices:
Calculate. Accounts Payable calculates tax amounts automatically, and you cannot change the tax amounts.
Note: If you specify Calculate in the Tax Amount field and Distribute or Enter in the Tax Base field, the tax amount is calculated automatically based on the tax base.
- Distribute. You enter total tax amounts manually but distribute tax automatically to individual distribution lines using the Distribute Taxes button. This prevents you from changing taxes for distribution lines.
- Enter. You enter all tax amounts manually. Clicking the Calculate Taxes button or the Distribute Taxes button lets you override manually entered amounts, but you can always change the total tax amounts and the taxes for distribution lines.
Note: When entering an invoice, you can change the method that is used for that invoice.

Specify a default method for entering tax bases on Accounts Payable invoices:
Calculate. Accounts Payable calculates tax amounts automatically, and you cannot change the tax amounts.
Note: If you specify Calculate in the Tax Amount field and Distribute or Enter in the Tax Base field, the tax amount is calculated automatically based on the tax base.
- Distribute. You enter total tax amounts manually but distribute tax automatically to individual distribution lines using the Distribute Taxes button. This prevents you from changing taxes for distribution lines.
- Enter. You enter all tax amounts manually. Clicking the Calculate Taxes button or the Distribute Taxes button lets you override manually entered amounts, but you can always change the total tax amounts and the taxes for distribution lines.
Note: When entering an invoice, you can change the method that is used for that invoice.

Tax reporting amounts appear for invoices that use a currency that is different from the vendor's currency. (The currencies are determined by the tax groups assigned to the invoice and to the vendor.)
Tax reporting amounts are required in some tax jurisdictions, such as Singapore, where you must report tax amounts in the currency of that jurisdiction.
The Default Tax Reporting option identifies the tax entry method you use most often for reporting tax amounts. You can select:
- Enter. Select this option if you want to convert and enter all tax reporting amounts manually for documents and their details.
- Distribute. Select this option if you want to convert the total tax reporting amounts for each tax authority, then distribute the tax reporting amounts automatically to document details using the Distribute Taxes button. (You cannot detail edit taxes using this method.)
- Calculate. Select this option if you want Accounts Payable to convert all taxes to the tax reporting currency for document and their details.
Accounts Payable automatically uses the specified default tax entry method when you enter new invoices, but you can change the method on individual documents.

Select the transaction type you most often use in the Payment Entry screen.
You can select Payment, Prepayment, Apply Document, or Misc. Payment as the default transaction type for Payment Entry.

Your selection for this option determines whether transactions from open (unposted) batches are included when Accounts Payable calculates pending amounts for Payment Entry.
You also specify the types of transactions to include. You can include unposted payments, unposted payments and adjustments, or all transactions, or you can choose to include none of them.

Set the order in which to print batches of checks by selecting one of the following options:
- Transaction Entry Number
- Customer Number
- Payee Name
- Payee Country
- Payee Zip/Postal Code

Use this option if your company reports payments to vendors that are subject to 1099/CPRS reporting. The option adds 1099/CPRS-reporting fields to the Vendors screen. If some of your vendors are subject to 1099/CPRS reporting and others are not, you can turn this option off for individual vendors (in the Vendors screen).
If you choose this option, the program maintains calendar year-to-date 1099/CPRS information in each vendor record.
You can turn the option on or off at any time. When the option is turned off, Accounts Payable does not accumulate vendor 1099/CPRS information, but you can still print any existing 1099/CPRS data and clear it.
Use the A/P Options screen to select processing options and enter general information about your Accounts Payable ledger.
Important! Before changing any of the settings or other information on the A/P Options screen, make sure you understand the impact the options have on processing within Accounts Payable.
You can change the settings for most Accounts Payable options at any time, provided that no other Accounts Payable screens are open and no one else is currently using the Accounts Payable database.
- You cannot save most changes on the A/P Options screen if any other Accounts Payable screens are open.
- After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.
- If the Payables Aging widget is open on the Sage 300 home page, you may see a "You cannot change options until other users have left" error message when trying to save changes to settings on this screen. If you encounter this issue, you can close the widget before saving settings, and then open it again later.
- The only option you cannot change is the Multicurrency option. Although you can select this option at any time, you cannot turn it off again once you have selected it and saved the change.
Company Tab
Use this tab to change the contact name, phone number, and fax number for Accounts Payable.
To change the company name and address, or to change the contact name, phone number, and fax number at the company level, use the Company Profile screen in Common Services.
Numbering Tab
Use this tab to:
- Choose the prefixes and next numbers to assign when you save recurring payables, payments, prepayments, and adjustment transactions, or you can allow Accounts Payable to assign them automatically.
These numbers include a prefix (up to 6 letters) followed by a sequence number. The prefix you assign must be unique and cannot be used for any other type of Accounts Payable document.
You can change these prefixes and next numbers at any time.
- Restrict the length of the number to be assigned to recurring payables, payments, prepayments, and adjustment transactions. You can use a maximum length of 22 characters, including prefixes.
This tab also displays the numbers that will be assigned to the next invoice, payment, adjustment,
Processing Tab
Use this tab to specify:
- Whether your Accounts Payable system uses multicurrency accounting. For more information, see Setting Up Accounts Payable to Use Multicurrency Accounting.
Note: Once you turn on the Multicurrency option, you cannot turn it off again.
- Whether to force listing of batches before posting.
- Whether imported and external batches can be edited.
- Whether Accounts Payable accumulates and reports vendor and vendor group statistics.
- If statistics are accumulated, the type of year and period for which they are to be kept, whether tax is included in the statistics, and whether statistics can be edited.
- Aging periods by which you group outstanding and overdue transactions on reports, and whether you age unapplied credit notes, debit notes, and prepayments in the current period or the period associated with their document dates.
- The default number of days you keep comments in vendor records, and whether you require batch listings (before posting).
Retainage Tab
Note: Some of the features described here are in development and may be unavailable.
This tab appears when you select the Retainage Accounting option on the Processing tab. Use this tab to specify default settings for retainage when you add new vendor records.
Accounts Payable uses the retainage settings from vendor records as defaults when you enter invoices, credit notes, or debit notes, although you can change settings for particular vendors—and for individual documents.
Transactions Tab
This tab lets you:
Specify the following options for invoice, credit note, and debit note transactions:
- Whether you report 1099/CPRS payments, and whether you permit 1099/CPRS amounts to be edited.
- The default method for calculating tax on invoices (automatic or manual tax calculation).
- Whether to use document totals as default amounts subject to 1099/CPRS reporting on invoices, debit notes, and credit notes.
Set options for payment transactions, including:
- The default bank code for your company.
- The order in which to list documents when applying payments and credit notes in the Payment Entry screen. For more information, see About Displaying Open Documents in Payment Entry.
- Whether you enter adjustment transactions in payment batches.
- Whether you permit editing of system-generated batches (of payments).
Set the default sort order when printing checks, which include:
- by Vendor Number.
- by Payee Name.
- by Payee Country.
- by Payee Postal Code.
- by Transaction Number.
You can change your choices for these options at any time, provided no other Accounts Payable screens are in use.