Selecting General Ledger Integration Options for Accounts Payable
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You use the A/P G/L Integration screen to select options that govern how Accounts Payable interacts with General Ledger, including when and how to create G/L batches and the type of information to send to General Ledger with posted transactions.

Make sure no one else is using Accounts Payable when you change options.
Important! You can update some information while others are using Accounts Payable (such as the payables department phone number and contact person), but most options can be changed only if no one else is using the system.
- On the Sage 300 home page, close the Payables Aging widget. (If this widget is open, a "You cannot change options until other users have left" error message may appear when you try to save changes on the A/P Options screen.
- Become familiar with the G/L integration options you want to change before you make any changes. For more information, see A/P G/L Integration Screen.
- After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.
To change G/L integration options:
Accounts Payable > A/P Setup > G/L Integration.
- Use the Integration tab to change options that determine how and when to process general ledger batches.
- Use the Transactions tab to change the information that is included with general ledger transactions. More...
- When you are satisfied with your choices for G/L integration, click Save.

- After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.