A/R Prepayments Screen


This screen lets you enter a prepayment with an invoice. If you use Payment Processing, you can also process a Paya credit card prepayment.

You must enter all invoice details and add the invoice before you can enter the prepayment.


If you use Payment processing and want to process a credit card prepayment, you must select a payment code that uses the payment type SPS Credit Card. After you select the payment code, the Processing Code and Status fields appear. After you add the prepayment, the Charge and Quick Charge buttons become available.

You can process a credit card payment by clicking Charge or Quick Charge. The difference between these buttons is the amount of information you must enter to complete the transaction:

  • Charge. Click this button to open the Process Credit Card screen and begin processing a credit card payment. You must enter all required information for the transaction.
  • Quick Charge. Click this button to process a credit card payment without entering any information.

    Note: To use this button, information required for the transaction must already be entered in your system. For more information, see About Quick Processing for Credit Card Transactions.