Posting a Range of Batches

You use the A/R Post Batches screen to post a range of batches to customer accounts.

You can post all batches that are set Ready To Post, or you can specify a range of batches that are set Ready To Post.


You can also use batch list screens to post all batches that are set Ready To Post, as follows:

  • Invoice Batch List. Click Post All to post all unposted invoice batches.
  • Receipt Batch List. Click Post All to post all unposted receipt batches.
  • Adjustment Batch List. Click Post All to post all unposted adjustment batches.
  • Refund Batch List. Click Post All to post all unposted refund batches.

To post a range of batches:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Transactions > Post Batches.

  2. Select the type of batch to post (invoice, receipt, adjustment, or refund).

    You can post only one type of batch at a time.

  3. Select All Batches to post all the batches of the chosen type, or select Range and then specify the range numbers for the batches you want to post.

    You can post a single batch, a range of batches, or all ready-to-post batches of the chosen type.

  4. Click Post.