Printing the Vendor Transactions Report

The Vendor Transactions report lists transactions that were posted to vendor accounts during the period you specify when you print the report. You can order the transactions by document date, by document number, or by fiscal year and period.

For information on the contents of this report, see A/P Vendor Transactions Report.

When to Print

Print the report when you want to see the current status of your vendor accounts.

To print the Vendor Transactions report:

  1. Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transaction Reports >  Vendor Transactions.

  2. In the Report Type field, specify whether to print transactions by document date, by document number, or by fiscal year and period.
  3. If you are printing transactions by document date or by document number, use the From/To Document Date fields to specify the range of dates for which to include transactions.

    If you are printing transactions by fiscal year and period, use the From/To Year/Period fields to specify the fiscal year and period range for which you want to print transactions.

  4. Use the Select Vendors By fields to specify up to four criteria to select the vendor accounts to list on the report. More...

    For the first selection criterion, you can select Vendor Number, Vendor Group, or Short Name.

    For the remaining three selection criteria, you can also select Vendor Number, Vendor Group, Short Name, Account Set, Vendor Balance, Vendor Name, Start Date, and vendor optional fields, if any. In multicurrency ledgers, you can also select Currency Code or Vendor Equivalent Balance.

    Note: If you do not specify selection criteria, the report includes all vendor records that meet the other criteria you specify. (For example, the report does not include vendor records with a zero balance unless you select the Print Vendors With A Zero Balance option.)

  5. Use the Sort Vendors By fields to specify up to four orders by which to sort records for the report. More...

    Choose from Vendor Group, Account Set, Current Vendor Balance, Vendor Name, Short Name, and vendor optional fields, if you use them. In multicurrency ledgers, you can also choose Current Vendor Equivalent Balance or Currency Code.

    Note: If you do not specify sorting criteria, the report orders the records by vendor number.

  6. Specify whether to include group titles and/or group subtotals for each sorted group. More...

    • To include titles for groups of records you are sorting by, select Title for each sorted group.
    • To include subtotals for groups of records you are sorting by, select Total for each sorted group.
  7. Specify additional options for the report, as needed. More...

    • Select Transaction Types. Select one or more transaction types to include on the report. The choices are Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note, Interest, Prepayment, and Payment.
    • Sort Transactions by Transaction Type. Select this option to sort transactions by document type for each vendor on the report.
    • [Include] Contact/Phone/Credit Limit. Select this option to list the vendor's contact person and phone number, and your credit limit for the vendor.
    • [Include] Space For Comments. Select this option to leave blank space at the end of each vendor record for your notes.
    • [Include] Vendors With A Zero Balance. Select this option to include accounts with a zero balance, for example, to find out which vendor accounts are dormant. Note that an account could have outstanding transactions even with a zero balance, for example, an offsetting invoice and credit note.
    • [Include] Totals By Transaction Type. Select this option to list a total for each transaction type after the listing for each vendor.
    • [Show] Applied Details. Select this option to include all the documents such as payments and credit notes that were applied to each reported invoice.

      Note: If you do not select this option, the report shows only the balance owing for each document.

    • [Show] Fully Paid Transactions. Select this option to list documents that are fully paid, but not yet cleared from Accounts Payable.
    • Print Amounts In. If you use multicurrency accounting, select the currency for the report. You can list transaction amounts in the vendor currency or the functional currency.

      If you list transactions in the functional currency and you have performed a revaluation, the report shows the new functional amounts.

  8. Click Print.