Displays the address of your company. Enter the name, phone number, and fax number of your primary contact for Inventory Control on this tab.
Select one of the following options to specify when item costs are updated:
Note: Costing items during posting also means that posting orders from Order Entry can take longer.
Note: If you select this option, you cannot change the Create Subledger Transactions and Audit Information During field.
Inventory Control always updates inventory counts when transactions are posted, so you always know your inventory levels.
If you cost items during posting, select one of the following options to specify when to create subledger transactions and audit information:
Note: Creating subledger transactions during posting also means that posting orders from Order Entry can take longer.
Note: If you cost inventory items during Day End Processing, this option is automatically selected.
With either option, you can override the timing by selecting Manually Using I/C Create G/L Batch Screen for Create G/L Transactions field on the I/C G/L Integration screen.
Inventory Control always updates inventory counts when transactions are posted, so you always know your inventory levels.
The options on this tab let you choose between processing speed and keeping your inventory data up-to-date. If you want to speed up order processing, you should:
In this table, you can set up four aging periods for Inventory Control. The program uses these aging periods to group outstanding transactions. If you change the number of days in the To column, the program updates the number in the From column in the next row.
Use this table to specify the numbering format that Inventory Control uses to assign a unique document number when adding a document type to a batch. The number is a combination of a prefix, which identifies the transaction type, and a sequential number.
This column lists the types of documents produced by Inventory Control that can have document numbers.
Use this column to specify the maximum length of the document number (including the prefix) for each document type. The maximum length is 22 characters
This column displays the number that Inventory Control will assign to the next document of that type. The program increases the number by 1 each time a transaction is posted.
You can change this number at any time. However, you must be sure not to assign a number and prefix that has been used before.
Use this column to specify the prefix (or keep the default prefix) to use in the number for this document type. The maximum characters in the prefix is six. There must be a different prefix for each type of document.
Use this tab to set up the segments and select the separators that can be used in item structures that control the item numbers in Inventory Control. For more information, see Adding Item Structures.
Enter the code for the item structure to be used by default to format
item numbers. You can click and select one of the existing item structures.
Note: You cannot select a default item structure until at least one item structure has been set up.
Displays the description of the item structure code selected for Default Item Structure.
In this table, specify the segments you want to use in your item structures. You enter the segment name and length. You also specify whether to restrict what can be entered for the segment in item numbers.
Enter the number of characters an item number can use for the segment. This number cannot exceed 24. (Item numbers contain a maximum of 24 characters, including optional separator and prefix characters.)
Enter a name for the segment, which may describe the segment. For example, you might have a segment for region, color, or size.
Displays the segment number used to identify the segment. There is a maximum of 10 segments.
If you want item numbers that use this segment to be restricted to the set of segment codes (that are set up on the I/C Segment Codes screen), select Yes. For no restrictions, select No.
This table displays a list of possible separator characters. In item structures that use multiple segments, separator characters distinguish (visually) the segments from each other.
In the Use column, select No for any characters that you want excluded from item structures. Select Yes for characters you want available for selection as a segment separator in the I/C Item Structures screen.
If the Keep Item Statistics option is selected, you can choose whether to report period statistics by fiscal year or calendar year, which affects the starting date for the statistics.
Important! You should not change this setting partway through a year, because this will cause figures to be distorted in some periods and you will have to make corrections in all records for which you keep statistics. If you need to change this setting, do so only at year end.
There may be additional costs (such as freight charges or duty charges) when you post a receipt return transaction to record the return of goods to suppliers. Select how Inventory Control should treat these additional costs:
You can change this setting at any time. You can override this setting when entering receipt returns.
Note: If you return all of the items on a receipt, you must use the I/C Adjustments screen to reassign the additional cost that was specified on the receipt to another general ledger account.
Select the Allow Edit of Statistics option if you want to be able to revise the following statistics:
Note: This option is only available if the Keep Item Statistics option is selected.
You can select or clear the Allow Edit of Statistics option at any time.
You may want to turn on the option while you are setting up your Inventory Control system, particularly if you are creating the system partway through an accounting year. You can then enter more complete inventory records by adding the statistics from your previous system for previous periods in the current year, and for previous years.
After you finish setting up your Inventory Control system and your system is operating, you can turn off the Allow Edit Of Statistics option because the program automatically updates the statistics when you post transactions.
Select this option if you want to be able to use fractional quantities in your Inventory Control system.
Fractional quantities are useful if your inventory includes homogeneous items. (Homogeneous items are those with identical elements that can be broken down into multiple, smaller units, such as oil or grain.)
Advantages of using fractional quantities:
However, if you do not intend to use fractional quantities in transactions, you can simplify transaction entry by not selecting this option. This means you do not have to enter decimal places for quantities and unnecessary decimal places do not appear on reports.
Note: You can select the Allow Fractional Quantities option at any time. However, once you select and save this setting, you cannot clear the option.
Select this option to allow inventory items to be stocked at all locations.
If your company has only one location, or it does not need to restrict
any items from being stored at any locations, select the Allow
Items At All Locations option on
the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen. This saves time setting
up your Inventory Control system since you can enter transactions right away for any item at any location. (Transactions include receipts, shipments, returns,
internal usage transactions, transfers,
If this option is not selected, you must use either the I/C Location Details screen or the I/C Locations screen to assign the item to the location before you can enter transactions for an item at that location.
You can select or clear this option at any time.
Select this option to allow processing of transactions that result in negative inventory levels (that is, permit the "on hand" quantity of stock items to go below zero). For example, negative quantities can result from timing problems when you enter shipments for items before entering their receipts. In this situation, your inventory figures do not match the physical inventory.
If you do not want inventory levels to go below zero for any reason, do not select this option. Transactions that require more than the number of item units available at the specified location cannot be posted.
You can select or clear this option at any time.
Select this option to allow you to order and receive special items for which you do not maintain an inventory quantity. (This setting is used by Inventory Control, Order Entry, and Purchase Orders.)
Non-stock items are usually services or specially ordered items which
are not normally kept in inventory. Inventory Control maintains
a list of the non-stock items that you purchase regularly, but does not maintain quantities and costs for non-stock
items. Non-stock items must use the user-specified costing method.
You can enter names in these fields as you want them to appear on the I/C Location Details screen. (If you leave these fields blank, they will not appear in the screen.)
Names for alternate amounts can contain uppercase letters, numbers, blanks, symbols (such as @ and #), and punctuation marks (such as ? and !). Each name cannot exceed ten characters.
If you type alternate amount names, the fields appear on and are used by the following Inventory Control reports:
Amounts in these alternate amount fields can:
You can change the Alternate Amount 1 Name and Alternate Amount 2 Name at any time.
Select a location to use as the default goods-in-transit location.
A goods-in-transit (GIT) location is a virtual location where you store goods while they are in transit. This more closely matches the transfer process, where goods may be on trucks or in transit for days or weeks at a time.
Each time you transfer goods between inventory locations, you can choose to transfer goods:
When using a GIT location, the goods can travel on different trucks and be received in separate lots. It also means that goods can stay in transit indefinitely. A GIT location is treated just like any other inventory location, so you can check item quantities in transit.
Specify which date the program displays by default for the Posting Date when you enter receipt, shipment, internal usage, adjustment, transfer, and assembly transactions:
Document/Transaction Date. Select this option if you usually want the posting date and fiscal period to match the document date.
The program will automatically change the default posting date if you change the date in the associated date field on the document entry screen.
Session Date. Select this option if you usually want the posting date and fiscal period to match the current session date.
The program keeps the session date as the default posting date even if you change the document date.
The posting date determines the fiscal year and period to which a transaction is posted to General Ledger.
If you have a multicurrency system, currency revaluation also uses posting dates to select open documents for revaluation purposes and thus, revaluation adjustments are posted to General Ledger in the correct fiscal year/period.
If the
Multicurrency option is selected, you can specify the default rate type, such as spot
rate, to use for converting source-currency amounts in transactions to their
functional-currency equivalents. You can type the code of the rate type or click and select the rate type.
You can change the default rate type at any time.
Enter the basic or standard weight unit of measure to use for measuring the weight of your inventory items, such as
pounds or kilograms. You can click and select an existing weight unit of measure.
Note: Usually, you will add weight units of measure after choosing inventory options, but before adding items. You use the I/C Weight Units of Measure screen to add the weight UOMs needed for your items, along with conversion factors to convert different UOMs to the default UOM.
Order Entry uses the weights of inventory items (using this default unit of weight) to estimate the total weight of each order, which is then used to calculate the cost of shipping the order.
Purchase Orders can use the weights in inventory records to prorate (distribute) additional costs on orders.
Displays the currency used for processing. This is selected for your company on the Company Profile screen in Common Services.
Select the Keep Item Statistics option if you want to accumulate statistics from posted transactions.
Inventory Control retains transaction and sales statistics from the transactions processed for up to 53 periods per year, for any number of years.
Inventory Control uses these statistics to produce the I/C Transaction Statistics report and the I/C Sales Statistics report. You can print the statistics for an item by period and year, as far back as the oldest year and period for which you keep this information.
You can turn on or turn off the Keep Item Statistics option at any time. If you turn off the option, Inventory Control immediately stops saving statistics, although it retains those already collected. If you turn the option on again, there will be a gap in the statistics corresponding to the period when the option was not used.
Select this option to have Inventory Control keep the detailed transaction records when you post so you can print the I/C Transaction History report. This report lists all transactions posted for items assigned to the account sets you select within a specified period.
If you do not select this option, nothing is reported in the I/C Transaction History report.
Note: This setting does not affect drilldown. Inventory Control automatically saves transaction history for drilldown purposes each time you post transactions unless you specifically delete transactions after posting.
Important! You can turn the Keep Transaction History option on or off at any time. If you turn it off after you have used it, Inventory Control immediately stops saving transaction history, although it retains the history already collected. If you turn the option on again, there will be a gap in the collected information corresponding to the period when the option was turned off.
Saving transaction details uses a large amount of space on your computer's hard drive.
If your company uses multiple currencies, you can set up price lists for items, and have Inventory Control process and report receipt transactions in these currencies.
To use more than one currency in Inventory Control, select the Multicurrency option on the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen. (The Multicurrency option must already be selected for your company on the Company Profile screen in Common Services.)
Important! You can select the Multicurrency option for Inventory Control at any time. However, once you select it (and save your changes), you cannot change Inventory Control back to a single-currency ledger.
If you select the Multicurrency option in Inventory Control, the Order Entry and Purchase Order modules also use multicurrency accounting.
If the Keep Item Statistics option is selected, you can select the type of period to use to report period statistics:
Important! You should not change the period type partway through a year, because this will cause figures to be distorted in some periods and you will have to make corrections in all records for which you keep statistics. If you need to change the period type, do so only at year end.
Select this option if you want the ability to delete individual transactions immediately after posting (if you do not want to save transaction information).
Do not select this option if you want to keep all transaction information.
Note: We recommend that you do not delete transactions. If you delete transactions after posting, you will not be able to view posted transactions or drill down to them from General Ledger
If you post transactions using the I/C Post Transactions screen (instead of from a transaction entry screen), you will not have the option to delete.
Select this option if you want to use only the inventory units of measure (UOM) that are set up in Inventory Control. You use the I/C Units of Measure screen to set up the buying, stocking, and selling units of measure for inventory items—and the default conversion factors between each of the units. This setting lets you enforce consistency for all items added after you select this option.
If you do not select this option, you can specify any units of measure for new inventory items—whether or not the UOM have been added to Inventory Control.
Note: This option only affects new inventory items or new units of measure that you add to existing items. If you enter items and then select this option, it will have no effect on the existing items unless you add new units of measure to existing items.
If this option is selected, multiple items can have the same serial number, as long as they do not also have the same item number.
To prevent the assignment of a serial number to more than one item, regardless of item number, clear this option.
Select this option to allow entries to be saved even if the number of assigned serial numbers is less than the quantity of serialized units that you are working with.
Example: Receiving 15 serialized items from a vendor will require you to generate 15 serial numbers during receipt before saving the transaction, unless this option is cleared.
When auto-allocating serial/lot numbers, select whether to sort the numbers by:
If you want lot numbers to expire after a specified number of days, select the Days to Expiry option, and then enter the number of days from creation to expiration.
Tip: To enforce the expiration period, you should also select Warning or Error as the Expired Lot Allocation Message.
Select the message that you want to display when serial numbers expire: None, Warning or Error.
The Separators Used in Lot Mask Structures section lists the different characters that you can use to separate segments in Lot Masks.
To prevent a character from being used when creating a serial mask, double-click the Use column to set it to No for that character.
Select the code for Serial Numbers Mask to use as the default for serial numbers that are added to the system.
You can change the serial numbers mask for individual serialized items in the I/C Items screen.
This option affects users of Sage 300 Order Entry. When selected, the quantity of serial/lot numbers that needs to be allocated to ordered items is determined by the Quantity Ordered field in Order Entry.
When auto-allocating serial/lot numbers, select whether to sort the numbers with Earliest or Latest first.
Note: After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.
Use the Company tab to change the contact name, telephone number, and fax number for the company's Inventory Control administration.
Depending on the selection for the Format Phone Numbers option in the Company Profile (in Common Services), parentheses and hyphens may be inserted.
Use the Costing tab to:
These settings have a large impact on how Sage 300 handles inventory transactions. They apply to all inventory transactions created in Inventory Control, Order Entry, and Purchase Orders.
If you cost inventory during posting, sales order posting and purchase order posting will take longer.
If you create sub-ledger batches during posting, you may also create and post A/R invoice batches with each O/E invoice and A/P invoice batches with each purchase order invoice.
After setup, you can switch from costing during posting to costing during day end processing at any time. However, you must run Day End Processing before switching to costing during posting to make sure that you complete item costing and to make sure that all G/L transactions have been created properly.
For information about setting that determine how and when to create G/L transactions, see Using Inventory Control with General Ledger.
Use the Documents tab to specify the prefix and sequence numbers for all numbers used to identify documents in your inventory system.
Inventory Control assigns a unique number to each document you add (shipments, receipts,
returns, transfers, transfer receipts, adjustments,
The number is a combination of a prefix you use to identify the transaction type, and a number that Inventory Control assigns sequentially, starting with the number you specify. The default length of each document number is 22 characters (including the prefix).
Use the Items tab to:
Specify the segments to use in your item numbers.
You use segments to organize items by common attributes such as item category, style, color, or size. On many reports, you can specify the segment of an item number by which you want reports sorted.
Note: Sage 300 Standard allows up to 4 item number segments. Sage 300 Advanced and Sage 300 Premium allow 10 item number segments.
Tip: After you add item number segments on this tab, you can define item number structures using the Item Structures screen.
Use the Lots tab to specify default settings for assigning and allocating lot numbers to lotted items.
Note: The Lots tab is available only if you have a license to use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking.
Use the Processing tab to:
For more information, see About Inventory Control Processing Options