About Multicurrency Accounting
If you use multicurrency accounting, you set up currency information for your Order Entry system in Common Services and Accounts Receivable.
When setting up Order Entry, you need only to verify that the currencies in which you bill your customers have been added to the Currency screens in Common Services.
You need to add currency information in Order Entry only at the following times:
- When setting up a miscellaneous charge or entering a transaction for a customer that is not yet defined in Accounts Receivable. You specify the currency for the charge record or transaction by selecting a tax group that uses that currency.
- When changing the default exchange rate on a transaction. Order Entry displays the exchange rate that is entered on the Currency Rates screen in Currency for the transaction date, but you can change the exchange rate or rate type.
- When recording a prepayment. You can add prepayments in any currency you have defined for Sage 300.
Some Order Entry reports can also include source (customer) and functional (company) currency information.