Enter the amount of any additional cost, such as a lump sum included on an invoices or a custom brokerage fee.
For returns, select whether the additional cost assigned to the returned goods is prorated to the remaining goods on the receipt or is left assigned to the items to which it was originally allocated.
Note: If you return all of the items on the receipt, you must use the I/C Adjustments screen to write off the additional cost from the receipt to a general ledger write-off account, even if you select the Prorate option.
Displays either the functional currency code for your Inventory Control company or the currency code assigned to the selected vendor (from Accounts Payable).
Note: This field appears only if you use multicurrency accounting.
This field displays the name of the person who entered the transaction.
If optional fields are set up for receipt transactions, you can enter information in the optional fields by clicking and selecting Add/Edit to open the Optional Fields screen.
Note: Optional field information can pass to the General Ledger if the optional fields are also assigned to the general ledger accounts.
If this receipt is associated with a purchase order, enter the purchase order number.
Displays the date to post the transaction to the general ledger. The posting date determines the fiscal year and period, which you cannot change directly.
When creating a new receipt, Inventory Control initially displays either the session date or the document date (depending on the setting for Default Posting Date on the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen), but you can change it.
In a multicurrency system, currency revaluation also uses the posting date to select open documents for revaluation purposes and, thus, revaluation adjustments are posted to the general ledger in the correct fiscal year and period.
Note: If you consolidate G/L transactions, the posting date for consolidated entries is the last date of the fiscal period.
Displays the transaction date of the receipt. When creating a new receipt, Inventory Control initially displays the session date but you can change it.
Enter an optional description for the receipt, return, or adjustment, using up to 60 characters.
This description appears with the transaction on the Receipts Posting Journal.
It can also appear on the G/L Transactions report and in the general ledger batch (if Inventory Control uses Description for the G/L Entry Description field or the G/L Detail Reference field and you do not consolidate general ledger transactions).
When entering a new receipt, either:
To view an existing receipt, specify the receipt number and select the receipt.
Enter an optional reference for the transaction, using up to 60 characters.
This reference appears with the transaction on the Receipts Posting Journal.
It can also appear on the G/L Transactions report and in the general ledger batch, if the G/L Reference field or the G/L Description field uses Reference in one of its segments, and you do not consolidate general ledger transactions.
Select this option if you want to print exactly one item label for each item being received. Inventory Control updates the number in the Labels column on each item's detail line to match the number in the item's Quantity Received column. If you want to print more or fewer labels, you can change the number in the Labels column.
Clear the option if you do not want to print item labels, or if you want to print more or fewer labels than the number of items being received on any detail line. When you clear the option, the Labels column on each item's detail line displays zero, but you can change it.
Displays the total extended cost for all the detail lines and any additional cost entered for a receipt.
On receipt adjustments, the total cost includes the current total costs entered for the receipt, plus or minus any adjusted cost or additional amounts you enter.
On receipt returns, this field displays 0.00.
If you use multicurrency accounting:
Example: If the receipt currency and the additional cost currency are both in the source currency, the total cost appears in the source currency.
Example: If the receipt currency is the source currency, and the additional cost currency is the functional currency, the total cost appears in the functional currency.
Select the type of edit you want to perform on an incomplete receipt:
If desired, type the number of the vendor to associate with this receipt or click and select the vendor from Accounts
Payable. Vendor numbers are optional.
Displays the name of the vendor associated with the vendor number.
Displays the year and period, which is determined by the posting date. You cannot change the year/period except by changing the posting date.
This table displays details about the items received. If you want to add another item, click Add Line to add a line to the table.
When entering an adjustment, type the new unit cost of the item.
Note: This column only appears on receipt adjustments.
If desired, enter comments (no more than 250 characters) that you want to appear on the Receipts Posting Journal for the detail line. You can also enter or change comments on receipt returns and adjustments.
Displays the extended cost, which is the unit cost multiplied by the quantity received. If needed, you can change this amount on receipts, if needed; the program then recalculates the unit cost for the detail line. You cannot change this amount on receipt returns and adjustments.
If you use multicurrency accounting, the cost is in the receipt currency.
Displays the description of the item, as entered on the I/C Items screen.
Specify the number of the item being received.
You can enter a manufacturer's item number that was associated with an item (using the I/C Manufacturers' Items screen). The program substitutes the inventory item number, and places the manufacturer's item number that you entered in the Manufacturer's Item Number column in the table.
Note: You enter item numbers only on receipts. For returns and adjustments, you can view but cannot change the item numbers.
If you selected the Require Labels option, the program automatically displays the same number as the quantity you entered in the Quantity Received column. If you did not select the option, the program displays zero.
You can edit the displayed number to specify a different number of labels. When the receipt is processed by Day End Processing, the labels you specify are generated.
Note: You can change the number of labels only when entering receipts. For returns and adjustments, you can view but cannot change the number of labels.
Line numbers show the order in which each detail line is added to a transaction. They are assigned in sequence by Inventory Control and you cannot change them.
To insert a detail line ahead of an existing line, select the previous line and click Add Line.
To delete a line, select the check box at the beginning of the line and click Delete Line.
Specify the code of the physical inventory location receiving the units. You can receive goods only at a physical location, not a logical location.
Note: You enter location codes only on receipts. For returns and adjustments, you can view but cannot change the location codes.
If you entered a manufacturer's item number in the Item Number column, the program substitutes the inventory item number, and moves the manufacturer's item number to the Manufacturer's Item Number column in the table.
The manufacturer's item number must already be associated with an item (using the I/C Manufacturers' Items screen).
This column displays:
If optional fields are set up for transaction details, you can add or change optional fields by clicking in this column and then clicking to open the Optional Fields screen. An optional field can be set up to automatically contain information; if that optional field is associated with transaction details, this column automatically displays Yes.
Note: Optional field information can pass to the General Ledger only if the optional fields are also assigned to the general ledger accounts.
Enter the number of units being received, expressed in the unit of measure for the detail line.
Note: You enter the quantity received only on receipts. For returns and adjustments, you can view but cannot change the quantity received
When entering a return, enter the number of items being returned, expressed in the unit of measure for that line.
Note: You can return items from as many lines as there are on the receipt, but you cannot return more items on any given line than were originally received on that line (in Quantity Received).
When entering a return, this column displays the extended cost of the items being returned. The program multiplies the quantity returned by the unit cost specified for the line on the original receipt.
Note: This column only appears on receipt returns.
When entering an adjustment, type the new cost of the items on this line (the Quantity Received multiplied by the Adjusted Cost).
Note: This column only appears on receipt adjustments.
Displays the unit cost for the item. Initially, Inventory Control displays the item's most recent cost for the selected unit of measure. You can change this amount; the program then recalculates the extended cost for the detail line.
If you use multicurrency accounting, the unit cost is in the receipt currency.
Note: You can change unit costs only on receipts. For returns and adjustments, you can view but cannot change the unit costs.
Displays the unit of measure (UOM) for the quantity of items being received. You can specify another UOM. You can select only a UOM that is assigned to the item on the Units tab of the I/C Items screen.
Note: You can change the unit of measure only on receipts. For returns and adjustments, you can view but cannot change the unit of measure.
Use the I/C Receipts screen to: