Printing the I/C Stock Transactions Report
These stock transaction reports list the inventory changes or status
for one or more items from one or more account sets and locations. There are two report types:
- The Stock Transactions
report lists transactions that resulted in changes to inventory
levels for selected items.
- The Stock
Status report lists all the items in the range, even if no inventory
movements occurred.
For either of these, you
can select a summary report or a detailed report, group results by items or locations, and
include costs and/or quantities.
To print the I/C Stock Transactions report:
- Open Inventory Control > I/C Stock Control Reports > Stock Transactions.
- In the I/C Stock Transactions Report screen for Report Type, select either Stock Transactions or Stock Status.
- Select either the summary or detail version of the report.
- Select whether to group by items or locations.
- Select to include costs and quantity, quantities only, or costs only.
- Either:
- Select the range of periods for a Stock Transactions report.
- Select a period for a Stock Status report.
- If you want to limit the report to a range of account sets, locations, or items, enter the range in the From and To columns of the table.
Note: Make sure the starting value is smaller than the ending
value. For example, specify from Account Set AVG to LIFO, or from Location 1 to Location 2, not the other way around.
- If you want to include inactive items in the report, select the Include Inactive Items option.
- Click Print.
The report appears in a new window. You can print the report or export it to a file.