Printing the I/C Item Status Report

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I/C Item Status Report

Inventory Control Reports

The I/C Item Status report shows the information entered for each item in the I/C Items screen, as well as the quantities on hand at each inventory location. If the Keep Item Statistics option is selected (on the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen), the report also shows shipment and receipt statistics for each item.

To print the I/C Item Status report:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Stock Control Reports > Item Status.

  2. In the I/C Item Status Report screen, choose the type of items to include on the report. You can choose all items, only active items, or only inactive items.
  3. If you only want to include items from a range of account sets, enter the range for From Account Set and To.
  4. For Sort By, select the sort order for the report, which can be by item number, category, item segment, or an optional field value. If you want to limit the report to a range of values for the sort field, enter the range for From and To.
  5. In the Include section, select the item information to include in the report. More...

    You can include the following information:

    • Profile. Lists the information entered on the Items tab of the I/C Items screen.
    • Units of Measure. Lists all defined units of measure, as entered on the Units tab of the I/C Items screen, including the stocking unit, and the corresponding conversion factors for each non-stocking unit.
    • Taxes. Lists the authorities and other tax information entered on the Taxes tab of the I/C Items screen.
    • Additional Item Information. Lists text entered for Additional Item Information on the Items tab of the I/C Items screen.
    • Statistics. Lists locations, date of last item shipment, date of last receipt of the item, average days between shipments, and average units shipped by location. The Keep Item Statistics option must be selected (on the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen to include statistics.
    • Optional Fields. Lists the title and data for any active optional fields that appear on the Optional Fields tab of the I/C Items screen.
    • Quantity by Location. Lists quantities on hand, on purchase order, and on sales order for each location.
    • Total Quantities. Lists total quantities on hand, on purchase order, and on sales order for all locations.
    • Vendors. Lists the vendors who supply the item.
    • FIFO/LIFO Costing. For each location and item, lists the receipt number and date for each bucket as well as the quantity and extended cost for items received, shipped, and available. Quantities and costs of items in the offset bucket are also given for each location, as well as the quantities of items not costed (entered since the last time you ran Day End Processing, if you do costing during Day End Processing).
  6. Click Print.

    The report appears in a new window. You can print the report or export it to a file.