Printing I/C Bin/Shelf Labels

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I/C Bin/Shelf Labels Screen

Inventory Control Reports

Use the I/C Bin/Shelf Labels screen to print bin or shelf labels to attach to the bins or shelves where you store inventory items.

Depending on the label format you select, the bin and shelf labels can include any of the information entered for the item, such as the cost, price, and primary vendor.

Note: To print other types of labels (such as price tags or bar codes) that you can attach to items, use the I/C Item Labels Screen instead.

To print bin and shelf labels:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Stock Control Reports > Bin/Shelf Labels.

  2. In the I/C Bin/Shelf Labels screen, select the inventory location.
  3. Select the report file (which has a RPT file extension) of the label format to use.
  4. Select the price list to use for the pricing information on the labels.
  5. For Sort By, select the sort order for the labels, which can be by item number, category, item segment, or an optional field value. If you want to limit the report to a range of values for the sort field, enter the range for From and To.
  6. Click Print.

    The report appears in a new window. You can print the report or export it to a file.