Printing the I/C G/L Transactions Report

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I/C G/L Transactions Report

Inventory Control Reports

The G/L Transactions report is a list of the general ledger journal entries created from all transactions posted in Inventory Control since the last time you created the general ledger batch.

You can print detailed or summary versions of the report. If you use multicurrency accounting, you can print amounts either in the functional currency or in the source currencies in which you posted the transactions in Inventory Control.

To print the I/C G/L Transactions report:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Price/Sales Analysis Reports > G/L Transactions.

  2. In the I/C G/L Transactions Report screen, the program displays the latest posting sequence number for Through Posting Sequence, but you can enter an earlier number. The report lists all transactions for posting sequences up to and including the number you specify.
  3. For Report Format, select either Detail or Summary.
  4. If you are printing the detailed report, select the order to list the transactions on the report for Sort by,. The choices are:
    • General Ledger account number
    • Year and period
  5. If you use multicurrency, specify whether to print amounts in each source currency or in the functional currency for Report Currency.
  6. Click Print.

    The report appears in a new window. You can print the report or export it to a file.