Printing the I/C Selling Price/Margin Analysis Report

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I/C Selling Price/Margin Analysis Report

Inventory Control Reports

The I/C Selling Price/Margin Analysis report includes items whose base prices, discount prices, or markup prices have a gross profit margin that is less than the percentage you specify.

Use the report to identify items with unusually low or high profit margins.

To print the I/C Selling Price/Margin Analysis report:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Price/Sales Analysis Reports > Selling Price/Margin Analysis.

  2. In the I/C Selling Price/Margin Analysis Report screen, select the sort order for the report for Sort By.

    The sort order can be item number, category, item segment, or an optional field value. If you also want to limit the report to a range of values for the sort field, enter the range for From and To.

  3. If you only want to include a range of price lists or locations, enter the range in the From and To columns in the table.
  4. For Print Items with Margin Less Than (Percent), enter the largest margin percentage for the report.

    Only items whose margins fall below this amount will be included.

  5. For Calculate Margin by, select one or more costing methods to use to calculate the margin.
  6. Click Print.

    The report appears in a new window. You can print the report or export it to a file.