Printing I/C Posting Journals

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About I/C Posting Journals

I/C Posting Journal screen

Inventory Control Reports

A posting journal is the printed record of the transactions that were processed together during day-end processing. More...

To print I/C posting journals:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Price/Sales Analysis Reports > Posting Journals.

  2. In the I/C Posting Journal screen, select the type of posting journal: Adjustments,Receipts, Shipments, Internal Usage, or Stock Transfers.
  3. If you only want to include transactions posted in a range of days in the journal, enter the range for From Day End Number and To Day End Number. The program assigns a unique day-end number each time you run Day End Processing. Initially this range shows the lowest and highest day-end numbers in your Inventory Control system.
  4. Select Reprint Previously Printed Journals if you want to print additional copies of journals that were printed before but have not yet cleared.
  5. Select Include Optional Fieldsif you want to include optional fields associated with the transactions and transaction details.
  6. For Sort By, select the sort order:
    • Day End Number. Lists transactions in order by the day-end and entry numbers assigned when they were processed.
    • Transaction Date. Lists transactions in order by the dates entered with the transactions.
    • Document Number. Lists transactions in order by the document number entered with the transactions.
  7. Click Print.

    The report appears in a new window. You can print the report or export it to a file.