Performing Day End Processing
Run day end processing as part of your daily routine, to keep your Inventory Control audit trail and reports up to date. You can run day end processing as many times a day as you want. More...
Day End Processing performs the following tasks:
- Updates item statistics and transaction history for I/C, O/E, and P/O, which are used by the analysis reports.
- Creates the posting journals for each type of transaction posted.
- Updates audit trail data,
which you can print using the Posting Journals screen.
- Deletes completed transaction detail if you do not keep transaction history.
- Activates and posts future sales orders and purchase orders that have reached their order date, and updates quantities on sales orders and purchase orders.
- Removes quotes and purchase requisitions with expiration dates up to and including the session date for day end processing.
- Updates sales commissions.
- Assigns the day-end number to all the Inventory Control transactions being processed, then increases the day-end number to prepare for the next time you run Day End Processing. (The current Day End Number is displayed on the Integration tab of the I/C G/L Integration screen. The Next Day End Number is displayed on the Documents tab of the I/C Options screen.)
In addition, Day End Processing may perform the following tasks:
- Updates costing data from all transactions if Day End Processing is selected for Cost Items During on the Costing tab of the I/C Options screen.
- Creates general ledger journal entries from the transactions that were posted during the day if Day End Processing is selected for Create G/L Transactions on the Integration tab of the I/C G/L Integration screen. Other options on this screen control whether a new batch is created or the transactions are added to an existing batch, whether the batch is automatically posted in G/L, and whether transaction details are consolidated.
- Creates other subledger journal entries from the transactions that were posted during the day if Day End Processing is selected for Create Subledger Transactions and Audit Information During on the Costing tab of the I/C Options screen.
- Updates the I/C G/L Transactions
report if you created a general
ledger batch manually (using the I/C Create G/L Batch screen). However,
if general ledger batches are created automatically during day-end processing, you
cannot print this report.
Before you start
- Post all the transactions that you want to be processed by Day End Processing.
Note: Any transactions you post while Day End Processing is running will not be processed if processing has already been completed for the transaction type.
Transactions are processed in the following order:
- Receipts
- Adjustments
- Transfers
- Assemblies
- Shipments
- Allow enough time to run Day End Processing.
The time it takes to complete day end processing varies according to your computer and the number of transactions you entered since the last time you ran Day End Processing.
Tip: We recommend that you run Day End Processing when you do not need to use your computer for other tasks. You might find it best to run it overnight.
- Back up your Inventory Control data.
To perform day end processing:
Open Inventory Control > I/C Periodic Processing > Day End Processing.
- Click Process.
- When the message appears to indicate that processing is complete, click OK or press Enter to close the message and the Day End Processing screen.
After performing day end processing
- Print the Item Valuation Report and compare it to the report that you printed earlier.
- Print the Adjustment Posting Journal to check the actual posted adjustments.
Before posting any transactions
- Print the posting journals.
- Print the I/C G/L Transactions report if you create the general ledger batch manually (using the I/C Create G/L Batch screen). You cannot print the I/C G/L Transactions report if
general ledger batches are created automatically during posting or day end processing.
- Print any other reports, such as Item Valuation, Transaction Statistics, Sales Statistics, or Transaction History, that you want for updating your records.
- Modify Inventory Control account sets, categories, and other records that could affect costing, as needed.