Enter a code or use the Finder to select the currency code for the currency in which you want to enter pricing information for the item.
Specify an item number to view pricing information.
Displays the code of the price list used for the item. You can change the assigned price list, or you can click Add/Edit on the Price List Code menu to add or edit a price list code.
If the selling price is based on Discount, select the method to use to discount the prices:
If the selling price is based on a markup, select the method to use to mark up item prices:
Select the method you want to use to determine price discounts for the item.
If Round Up or Round Down is selected for Rounding Method, enter the number to round customer discount prices. For example, if you type .05, prices that are not already a multiple of .05 are rounded to the next such multiple.
Note: This field is not available if No Rounding is selected for Rounding Method.
Select the rounding method, if any, that you want the program to use when it calculates customer discount prices or markup prices.
If you select No Rounding, prices appear exactly as calculated, to the number of decimal places specified by the Price Decimals field (or that your functional currency uses, if it uses fewer).
The program uses the selected rounding method when you discount or mark up prices by a percentage.
Select the method for calculating the selling price of the item using this price list.
Note: If pricing by weight, you can only choose between Discount and Markup on Markup Cost.
The table on this tab displays the discounts or markups for this item. The columns in this table depend on the selections on the upper part of the tab.
If you selected Customer Type for Pricing Determined by, this column displays letters for the customer types.
Customer types are assigned to customers in Accounts Receivable and used by the Order Entry program when you enter orders. Inventory Control does not use customer types.
You then enter discounts or markups in the second column for as many customer types as you use.
If you selected Discount for Selling Price Based on and Amount for Discount on Price by, enter the amount of discount to apply in this column. Enter these discount amounts in pricing units (include any taxes that are assigned on the Taxes tab).
If you selected Discount for Selling Price Based on and Percentage for Discount on Price by, enter the percentage discount to apply in this column.
If you selected Markup for Selling Price Based on and Amount for Markup on Cost by, enter the markup to apply in this column. Enter markup amounts in pricing units.
If you selected Markup for Selling Price Based on and Percentage for Markup on Cost by, enter the percentage markup to apply in this column.
If you selected Volume Discounts for Pricing Determined by, enter a quantity (in the stocking units for the item) where the discount or markup changes. You can use one to five rows.
You then enter discounts or markups in the second column for each quantity.
Select whether to check the unit price or the sales margin.
If Unit Price is selected for Check, choose the base used to determine whether the price falls within an acceptable range: the cost plus a percentage, the cost plus a fixed amount, or a fixed range.
Choose the type of cost to use for calculating the acceptable range.
Note: This field does not appear if you choose Fixed Amount for Check Base.
Choose how you want Order Entry to respond to price overrides.
The table on this tab shows the range of prices that can be approved by each user. There can be different price approval levels for sales clerks and supervisors. If you want to add another user, first click Add Line to add a line to the table.
If Cost Plus a Fixed Amount or Fixed Amount is selected for Check Base, enter the price approval range as a fixed amount over cost or a fixed cost.
If Cost Plus a Percentage is selected for Check Base, enter the price approval range as percentages over cost.
Enter (or click and select) the user for whom you want to specify a price approval range.
Enter the normal or suggested selling price for the item. You also enter the unit on which the base price is expressed for Pricing Unit.
Note: This field is only available if Base Price for Single Unit of Measure is selected for Base Price Type.
Select how to calculate the base price:
Specify how you are calculating this price from a cost.
Specify how you are calculating this price from a cost.
Select the cost on which you are basing the price.
You can select from standard cost, most recent cost, average cost, last cost, or either of the user-specified costs.
Select either Cost Plus a Percentage or Cost Plus an Amount as the method for calculating a default price based on the item cost.
If you have a multicurrency database, you can also select Cost Converted Using Exchange Rate Plus a Percentage or Amount.
Select either Cost Plus a Percentage or Cost Plus an Amount as the method for calculating a default price based on the item cost.
If you have a multicurrency database, you can also select Cost Converted Using Exchange Rate Plus a Percentage or Amount.
Enter the description of the item to appear on price list reports.
This description also appears in Order Entry detail lines and on orders and invoices. This means that you can translate this description for price lists, orders, and invoices in other languages.
Note: When you use the Finder to select items in Inventory Control and Order Entry, item descriptions are
always from the I/C Items screen, not the I/C Item Pricing screen.
Enter the markup cost to use when the base price or sale price is calculated by marking up your cost, .
This is a reference field and is not used in the calculation. (Markup cost is the only value used in a calculation.)
Enter the unit of measure (UOM) or click (the Finder button) and select the UOM to use for the markup cost.
Displays whether the price of this item is based on weight or on quantity.
If Weight is selected, you can set volume discount amounts or percentages by the weight of the items in the order. Item weights are calculated in Order Entry by multiplying the unit weight of an item times the quantity ordered, and converting the weight to default units.
Select the number of decimal places you want the program to use for displaying and printing prices and costs.
You can easily cut over from an old price list to a new one on a particular date. To specify a period when this price list is in effect:
The price list is always valid if the start and end dates are blank.
If you choose a price list in Order Entry before the start date or after the end date, the program will display an error message and enter a 0.00 price.
Enter the unit of measure (UOM) or click (the Finder button) and select the UOM to use for the base price.
If you entered a sale price, select the last date the sale price applies.
Enter the sale price for the item. You also enter the unit on which the sale price is expressed for Sale Unit.
Note: This field is only available if Sale Price for Single Unit of Measure is selected for Sale Price Type.
Select how to calculate the sale price:
If you entered a sale price, select the first date the sale price applies.
If you entered a sale price, enter the unit of measure (UOM) or click (the Finder button) and select the UOM to use for the sale price
The table on this tab shows the tax authorities that tax sales of this item.
If you want to add another tax authority, click Add Line to add a line to the table.
Enter (or click and select) the customer tax class
for the tax authority.
This column displays the description of the selected customer tax class.
Enter (or click and select) the tax authority
(such as a state or province) that taxes sales of the item. These taxes will be included
by default in the item price. For example, in Canada, the GST can be included or excluded from the
item price. You would add the GST to this tab to include it in this price list for this item. The Tax Included setting
can be changed when creating invoices in Order Entry.
Note: The Select Tax Authority screen only lists tax authorities for which the Allow Tax in Price option is selected in the Tax Services screen.
Displays the tax authority description associated with the tax authority code.
Use the I/C Item Pricing screen to:
Edit item pricing information for each price list. You can:
Inventory Control uses price lists for reporting purposes only.
Order Entry uses price lists to calculate the prices of goods, taxes, and discounts on customer orders and invoices.
Use the Discounts tab to:
Use the Price Check tab to specify how to handle price overrides in Order Entry for orders that use this price list. Order Entry can:
The Default price check range applies to all users who are not specifically listed in the table.
Use the Prices tab to:
Use the Taxes tab to assign the tax authorities and customer tax classes for taxes that are included by default in the item price.
Tip: The Finder lists only tax authorities that have the Allow Tax In Price option selected in Tax Services.