Assigning Weight Units of Measure to Items

When you enter a weight for an item, you also assign a weight unit of measure. Order Entry and Purchase Orders use item weights to calculate the total weights of orders.

Assigning a weight unit of measure (UOM) to an item involves two steps:

  1. Adding a new weight unit of measure and conversion factor to Inventory Control.
  2. Assigning weight units of measure to the inventory item.

To add a weight unit of measure to Inventory Control:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Setup > Weight Units of Measure.
  2. Click Add Line to add a new line to the table.
  3. In the Weight Unit of Measure column, type the weight UOM as you want it to appear on data entry screens. For example, lb or kg.
  4. In the Weight UOM Description column, type the description for the weight UOM, such as pound or kilogram.
  5. In the Weight Conversion Factor column, type the factor for converting this weight UOM to the default weight UOM. For example, if pound is the default weight UOM (with a conversion factor of 1), the conversion factor for ton is 2,000.

    You can use fractions in weight conversion factors even if you do not use fractional inventory quantities. For example, the factor to convert kilograms to pounds would be 2.2.

    The Default Weight UOM column displays Yes if the weight UOM is the default weight unit of measure. (This is selected on the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen.) This is the unit in which the total order weight is expressed in Order Entry and Purchase Orders.

    The 1.0000 <default unit> Equals column displays the opposite calculation to the conversion factor. It provides a visual check on the conversion factor.

  6. Click Save.

To assign the weight unit of measure to an existing item:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Items and Price Lists > Items.

  2. In the I/C Items screen, enter the item number of the item, or click the Finder button and select the item.
  3. On the Units tab for Weight Unit of Measure, type the weight UOM or click the Finder button and select the weight UOM. The program displays the conversion factor between the weight unit of measure and the default weight unit of measure used for orders in Order Entry and Purchase Orders.
  4. Click Save.