A posting journal is the printed record of the transactions in a group of batches that were posted together.
Accounts Receivable posting journals provide an audit trail of all uncleared details that have been posted using the A/R Post Batches screen. (You use the A/R Clear History screen to clear the data for the journals after printing them to a printer or file.)
Print a posting journal whenever you need a report of posted Accounts Receivable transactions.
A/R posting journals can include the following information, depending on the type of posting journal you are printing and the options you select at print time:
The Invoice Posting Journal summary page lists separate totals for invoices, debit notes, credit notes, cash payments (prepayments), and interest invoices.
The Receipt Posting Journal summary page lists totals for adjustments, discounts taken, and receipts.
The Adjustment Posting Journal summary page lists the totals of debits and credits.
The Invoice Posting Journal also includes a Prepayment Summary page that includes prepayments for invoices posted before you posted the invoice batch.
If you use multicurrency accounting, the posting journals include the following additional information: