About Invoicing Recurring Charges
About Posting Recurring-Charge Batches
You can use the A/R Create Recurring Charge Batch screen periodically to create a batch of recurring charge invoices for the customers and charges you select. Creating recurring charge batches saves you from having to enter an invoice for each recurring charge and customer manually.
You create one batch of recurring charge invoices at a time, but you can have as many open batches of recurring charge invoices as you need.
Note: Accounts Receivable does not process recurring charges for customers whose records are inactive or on hold.
Tip: If you want to process recurring charges from the Reminder List screen in Common Services, assign to recurring charge setup records schedules that include a reminder. When the recurring charges are due, Sage 300 reminds you to process them. You can then process all recurring transactions assigned to a schedule right from the Reminder List.
For more information, see Setting Up a Recurring Charge for a Customer.
You can update charges for individual customers using the A/R Recurring Charges screen.
To invoice recurring charges:
Accounts Receivable > Periodic Processing > Create Recurring Charge Batch.
You can select by Recurring Charge Code, Customer Number, Customer Group, or National Account.