Order Entry > Screen Guides > Reports > Sales History

O/E Sales History Report Screen

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Printing Order Entry Analytical and Setup Reports

O/E Sales History Screen

O/E Sales Statistics Report Screen


The O/E Sales History report provides summarized or detailed sales information, including sales totals by customer, inventory item, or primary salesperson.

Use the report as a sales journal, to record sales staff performance by territory or location, and to indicate strengths and weaknesses in company sales.

Print the report after running Day End Processing, at the end of an accounting cycle, or any time you want to check on your sales performance.

After printing this report, you can use the O/E Clear History screen to clear sales history.

Note: To keep sales statistics that you print on this report, you must select the Keep Sales Statistics option on the O/E Options screen before you run Day End Processing.

Information Printed on This Report

The O/E Sales History report can include the following information: