Use these fields to specify a range of customer numbers to include in the report.
Use these fields to specify a range of customer numbers to include in the report.
Use these fields to specify a range of account sets to include in the report.
Use these fields to specify a range of currencies to include in the report.
Select this option if you want to show invoice details, serial and lot numbers, or kit components in the report.
This option appears only for detail reports, and only if you select records by customer number or item number.
When you select this option, the option
Use these fields to specify a range of item numbers to include in the report.
Select the type of report you want to print:
Detail. Select sales history by year and period, or by document date.
You can sort sales history by customer number, item number, or primary salesperson.
If you sort by item or customer, you can also include invoice details
Depending on the sort order you select, you can also specify additional selection criteria. More..
Summary. Select sales history by year and period.
You can sort sales history by customer number or item number.
Depending on the sort order you select, you can also specify secondary selection criteria. More...
Totals. Select sales history by year and period or by document date.
You can sort sales history by customer number, item number, or primary salesperson.
Depending on the sort order you select, you can also specify secondary selection criteria. More...
Note: You specify on the Processing tab of the O/E Options screen whether to accumulate sales history and statistics by calendar year or fiscal year, and the period type to use.
Use these fields to specify a range of salespeople to include in the report.
Select sales history to include in the report by specifying a range of years and periods, or a range of document dates.
Note: You specify on the Processing tab of the O/E Options screen whether to accumulate sales history and statistics by calendar year or fiscal year, and the period type to use.
Depending on the report type and sorting order you choose, you can also specify secondary selection criteria, including:
For a Detail report:
For a Summary report:
For a Total report:
Specify whether to sort information in the report by customer number, item number, or (if you selected Detail as the report type) primary salesperson.
Note: Other report settings become available depending on your selection. For example, if you select Primary Salesperson, you can also include kit components on the report.
Use these fields to specify a range of territories to include in the report.
The O/E Sales History report provides summarized or detailed sales information, including sales totals by customer, inventory item, or primary salesperson.
Use the report as a sales journal, to record sales staff performance by territory or location, and to indicate strengths and weaknesses in company sales.
Print the report after running Day End Processing, at the end of an accounting cycle, or any time you want to check on your sales performance.
After printing this report, you can use the O/E Clear History screen to clear sales history.
Note: To keep sales statistics that you print on this report, you must select the Keep Sales Statistics option on the O/E Options screen before you run Day End Processing.
The O/E Sales History report can include the following information: