Order Entry > Screen Guides > Reports > Posting Journals

O/E Posting Journals Report Screen

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About Order Entry Reports

O/E G/L Transactions Report Screen

O/E Transaction List Report Screen

Printing Order Entry Analytical Reports


Print the O/E Posting Journals report regularly (daily or weekly), as part of your audit trail.

You can print the following journal reports:

For each of these reports, you can include sales splits, tax summaries, and optional fields. You can also choose to reprint posting journals.

Tip: When you print a posting journal for invoices or credit/debit notes, you can include Accounts Receivable audit information. This can help you match postings in Order Entry to Accounts Receivable transactions.

After printing the report to any print destination, you can use the O/E Clear History screen to clear the posting file.

Multicurrency Reports

The multicurrency version of the report lists the customer's currency code for each invoice or credit, along with the exchange rate, exchange rate type, and exchange rate date. The journal prints amounts in both source and functional currencies.

The final pages of the report include totals for each source currency, and a general ledger summary in both source and functional currencies.

Information Printed on This Report

The information you can print on the report and the order in which it appears depends on the type of posting journal you are printing. It can include: