Inventory Control > Screen Guides > Setup > Locations

I/C Locations Screen

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About Setting Up Locations

Setting Up Inventory Control


You use the I/C Locations screen to:

Address Tab

Use this tab to enter the name, address, phone number, and fax number of the location. You can set the status of the location to inactive.

You also use this tab to specify whether an inventory site is a physical or logical location. (A logical location cannot receive or ship goods. It can only be used as a goods-in-transit location.)  

Contact Tab

Use this tab to specify the name, phone number, fax number, and email address of the main contact person at this location.

Integration Tab

Use this tab to specify whether to replace (override) segments in general ledger accounts when you generate Inventory Control transactions involving items stocked at this location.

Items Tab

This tab only appears when the Allow Items At All Locations option is not selected on the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen.

Use this tab to assign items to the location and specify which of the assigned items can be used in transactions at the location.