Inventory Control > Screen Guides > Reports > Stock Transactions

I/C Stock Transactions Report

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Printing the I/C Stock Transactions report

Inventory Control Reports


These stock transaction reports list the inventory changes or status for one or more items from one or more account sets and locations. There are two report types:

For either of these, you can select a summary report or a detailed report, group results by items or locations, and include costs and/or quantities.

Information Printed on This Report

The summary version of the Stock Transactions report includes the following information about the transactions that resulted in changes to inventory levels for selected items.

The detail version of the Stock Transactions report also shows the net change for the period as well as the following information about each transaction:

The summary version of the Stock Status report lists includes the following information for all the items in the range, even if no inventory movements occurred:

The detail version of the Stock Status report also shows the inventory location as well as the quantities and amounts for each item.