Inventory Control > Screen Guides > Reports > Transaction History

I/C Transaction History Report

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Printing the I/C Transaction History Report

Inventory Control Reports


The I/C Transaction History report lists all transactions posted within the period you specify. You can limit the report to a range of account sets or range of item numbers.

The report also shows the net change to the inventory control account for the account set and period.

Transaction history is accumulated and reported according to the settings in the Fiscal Calendar in Common Services.

Important! Transactions are accumulated for this report only if the Keep Transaction History option is selected on the Processing tab of the I/C Options screen.

When to Print

Print the report when you want to review transaction history by item or list transactions from all posting journals for a specific accounting period.

You can also print the report at the end of an accounting period to check the balance of your general ledger control account, since the total for the account sets on the report should match the total for the general ledger control account.

Information Printed on This Report

The following information is shown for each transaction:

The following information is also shown on the report: