Inventory Control > Screen Guides > Physical Inventory > Generate Inventory Worksheet

I/C Generate Inventory Worksheet Screen

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Counting and Reconciling Inventory Quantities

Generating Inventory Worksheets for Stocktaking

Printing Inventory Worksheets


Use the I/C Generate Inventory Worksheet screen to generate worksheets showing the item quantities on hand for inventory locations where you want to perform a physical count. You can then print these worksheets to help with the physical counts.

You can generate inventory worksheets for a range of items sorted by item number, category, item segment, picking sequence, or any optional fields defined for Inventory Control. You can choose to include:

If you generate an inventory worksheet for a location that already has a worksheet, the program warns you and lets you choose whether to replace it.

Warning! To ensure quantities and costs on worksheets are current, do not post transactions (receipts, shipments, transfers, or adjustments) or run Day End Processing between the time you generate inventory worksheets and the time you post the inventory reconciliation.