General Ledger > Printing Reports > General Ledger Reports > Transactions Listing Report

Printing the G/L Transactions Listing Report

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G/L Transactions Listing Report

The G/L Transactions Listing report lists the net changes, balances, and transaction details for accounts in a range of fiscal years and periods you specify.

To print the G/L Transactions Listing report:

  1. Open General Ledger > G/L Reports > Transactions Listing.
  2. Specify the order in which to sort transactions. More...

    You can sort transactions by account number, by a particular segment (such as department or region), or by account groups.

  3. Specify the range of fiscal years and periods to print.

    Note: If you are printing period 12 details, select Adjustment to include adjustment entries, or Closing to include adjustment and closing entries.

  4. Indicate whether to print additional information on the report. More...
    • Accounts With No Activity. Include all accounts, even if no transactions were posted to them in the reporting period.
    • Quantity. Include quantity data for transactions.
    • Transaction Optional Fields. Include optional fields with the details of posted transactions.
    • Balances and Net Changes. Include balances and net changes over the defined period for each selected account.
    • Posting Sequence and Batch Entry. Include posting sequence and batch entry numbers in the report.

      Note: You can select the Posting Sequence and Batch Entry option only if you have not selected the Quantity option.

  5. Select the currency in which to print the report. More...
    • Functional. Select if you want to print the report in your company's functional currency.
    • Source and Functional. Select if you want to include source-currency information in the report.
    • Reporting. Select if you want to print the report in a reporting currency you specify.

      The Reporting option is available only if you selected the euro as your functional currency and you specified a reporting currency.

      When you select this option, the debit, credit, net change and balance amounts will be printed in the reporting currency. These amounts are obtained from the reporting fiscal set.

  6. In the Date field, specify the type of dates to print on the report: document dates or posting dates.

  7. Select other options to specify what information appears in the report, and how information is displayed. More...
    • Sort Transactions By Date. Sort transactions by date within the selected accounting periods on the report.
    • Select Account Groups By Sort Code Range. If you select this option, specify a range of account group sort codes in the Sort Code - Account Group fields.
    • Use Rolled Up Amounts. Print the transactions of a rollup account and of its rollup member accounts (at any level), rolled up into a single amount for each transaction.

      Note: Rollup member account transactions are included only once in the rolled up transactions.

    • Page Break After Each Account. This option appears if you selected Segment in the Sort By area. Select the option if you want to add a page break after each account in the report.
  8. If you want to include a specific range of segment codes and/or account optional fields, specify the ranges to include.
  9. Click Print.