Bank Services > Screen Guides > Banks

Banks Screen

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Bank Entry Screen

Bank Distribution Codes Screen


Use the Banks screen to:

Account Tab

Use this tab to select the following:

Do not select an account that has the Post To Account field set as prohibited.

Address Tab

Enter the address, phone and fax numbers, and contact person for the bank account.

You can change the information after adding a bank record.

Balance Tab

This tab displays up-to-date information for a bank account, including:

Check Stocks Tab

Use this tab to enter printing information for checks drawn on the bank account.

For each physical check stock you use with this account, you must:

You can change the information on this tab after saving the bank record.

Currency Tab

This tab appears only if the Multicurrency option has been selected on the Profile tab.

Use this tab to enter currency information for multicurrency and foreign currency banks.

For each currency you use with this bank account, you must enter:

You can change the information on this tab after saving the bank record.

Profile Tab

Use this tab to enter identifying information for the bank account. The following information is required:

You can also enter the bank's transit number and the bank account number.

Tip: You find these numbers encoded on the bottom of your cheques, sometimes referred to as MICR #s, or Magnetic Ink Character Recognition numbers.

If the bank can accept deposits and issue checks in currencies other than your company's functional currency, you must also:

If you enter a functional currency, you have a multicurrency bank. You need to specify allowable source currencies on the Currency tab.

If you do not enter a functional currency, you have a foreign-currency bank. The program uses the Company Profile default rate type for checks and deposits.

After adding a bank record, you can change any information except the Multicurrency option and statement currency.

Taxes Tab

Use this tab to select a tax group and a vendor tax class for each tax authority in the tax group.