Accounts Receivable > Printing Reports > Customer Reports > Activity Statistics

Printing Activity Statistics Reports

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A/R National Accounts Report

A/R National Accounts Screen

About National Accounts

Adding, Modifying, and Deleting National Accounts

You can print an Activity Statistics report for customers and for national accounts, if you use national accounts in your Accounts Receivable system.

The reports list information about the sales and payment history for the current year to date and previous fiscal year for the customer records and national accounts in your Accounts Receivable system.

For more information, see A/R Activity Statistics Reports.

When to Print

Print the report when you need to check on account activity, such as the last time a customer's check was returned to you NSF, the average number of days it takes a customer to pay invoices, the last time a customer was charged interest on an overdue document or account balance, or the date a customer's balance was last revalued (if your Accounts Receivable system uses multicurrency accounting).

To print the A/R Customer Activity Statistics report:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customer Reports > Customers.
  2. From the Report Type list, select Customer Activity Statistics.
  3. Select an account type.
  4. If you use multicurrency accounting, specify whether to print amounts in customer currency or your company's functional currency.
  5. Specify up to four selection criteria. If you do not specify selection criteria, the report includes all customer records for the account type you select.
  6. Specify up to four sorting criteria. If you do not specify sorting criteria, the report sorts customer records by customer number.
  7. Click Print.

    The report appears in a new Sage 300 window. You can print the report or export it to a file.

To print the A/R National Account Activity Statistics report:

  1. Open Accounts Receivable > A/R Customer Reports > Customers.
  2. From the Report Type list, select National Account Activity Statistics.
  3. If you use multicurrency accounting, specify whether to print amounts in customer currency or your company's functional currency.

  4. Select a range of national account numbers.
  5. Click Print.

    The report appears in a new Sage 300 window. You can print the report or export it to a file.