Accounts Payable > Screen Guides > Vendors > Remit-To Locations

A/P Remit-To Locations Screen

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About Remit-to Locations

A/P Vendors Screen


Use the A/P Remit-To Locations screen to:

You can change all the information in a remit-to location except the remit-to code. If you need to change the code, you must add another record using the new code, then delete the record you no longer need.

Address Tab

Use this tab to:

Contact Tab

Use this tab to enter the name, phone number, fax number, and email address for a contact person at the remit-to location.

Optional Fields Tab

You use the Optional Fields tab to assign optional fields for particular remit-to locations.

If you set any optional fields for automatic insertion in remit-to location records, they appear on the tab, along with their default values.

Note: If you defined the same optional fields for remit-to locations as for vendors and vendor groups, the program uses the values from the vendor record as default values for the optional fields in the remit-to location record.

You can accept or change the optional field values. If an optional field requires validation, you can select only a value that is assigned to the optional field in Common Services or, if the optional field allows it, you can leave the default value field blank.

Tip: If you use exactly the same optional fields for invoices, vendors, and remit-to locations, when you specify a remit-to location on the A/P Invoice Entry screen, Accounts Payable uses the optional field values from the remit-to location for the invoice, debit note, or credit note.