Accounts Payable > Printing Reports > Vendor Reports > Recurring Payables Report

Printing the Recurring Payables Report

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Customizable Formats for Printed Accounts Payable Forms

The Recurring Payables report is a list of the recurring payables that you have set up. It can also show the processing schedule attached to each recurring payable record.

For information on the contents of this report, see A/P Recurring Payables Report.

When to Print

Print this report prior to creating a recurring payable batch to ensure that the information is up to date.

To print the report:

  1. Open Accounts Payable > A/P Vendor Reports >  Recurring Payables.

  2. In the Recurring Payable Code From and To fields, enter the range of codes you want to list in the report.
  3. In the Vendor Number From and To fields, enter the range of vendors you want to include in the report.
  4. Select the Schedule option if you want to include the schedules for the recurring payables codes that you are listing.
  5. Select Optional Fields to include optional field information for each recurring payable.
  6. Click Print.