Note: When this widget is open, you may be unable to save changes to settings on Accounts Receivable setup screens, such as the A/R Options screen. If you encounter this issue, you can close the widget before saving settings, and then open it again later.
To specify widget settings, click Edit Settings on the Widget Settings menu .
Specify the date from which to age transactions, and specify whether to age transactions by due date or by document date.
Specify four aging periods in ascending order, with a total up to 90 days. Select the Show the current column option if you want the widget to display the current aging period.
Specify transaction types to be included in outstanding invoice amounts displayed in the widget.
Optionally, filter transactions displayed in the widget to include only a range you specify. You can filter transactions by customer number, customer group, account set, sales person, territory, terms code, and national account.
Use the Receivables Aging widget to review outstanding invoice amounts by period. By default, the widget displays 30, 60, and 120 day periods.
To specify transaction types, filter transactions, and specify settings for aging transactions, click Edit Settings on the Widget Settings menu .