Getting Started > Tips and Tools > Data Entry Tools

Data Entry Tools

The following data entry tools help you enter and manage information in Sage 300 screens.

Data entry tools

Tool Name Description

Context Menu

The context menu appears next to some data entry fields, and displays a list of available options related to a field. More...

For example, the context menu for the Ship-To Location field may display the following options:

  • View Ship-To Location
  • Edit Ship-To Location

Date Selector

Click the date selector button to view a calendar and select a date.


The Finder appears in some data entry fields, and in some table headings on transaction entry screens. Click it when you want to look up records you can select for a field. More...

When using the Finder, you can specify selection criteria to help you find records. For example, when looking up G/L Accounts, you might specify the following criteria:

Account Number starts with 21

You can also click the Edit Columns button to add or remove columns from the table of results that appears in the Finder, or to rearrange the order in which columns appear.

Go Button

The Go button appears on screens where you must specify a record (such as a code) before viewing details for the record. After entering the code or name of the record, click this button to view details for the record.

Help Icon

The Help icon appears next to fields for which help content is available. Point to the icon to see the help.

New Button The New button appears next to fields where you can add a new record. For example, where it appears beside a Customer Number field, click this button to add a new customer.

Tools in data entry tables





Add Line


Click Add Line to add a new line to a detail entry table.

Delete Line

Click Delete Line to delete a selected line from a detail entry table.

Edit Columns

Click Edit Columns to see a list of columns in a detail entry table. You can select the check box for a column to add it; clear the check box to remove it; and drag columns up and down in the list to arrange them in the detail entry table.

Edit Button Click the Edit button to open a new screen where you add or edit additional information for a detail line. For example, where this button appears in a Taxes column, click the button to edit tax information for the detail line.

Page Navigation

Click the Previous and Next buttons to navigate through a list of existing records, or click the First and Last buttons to navigate to the first and last records. You can also enter a page number in the Page field and press Enter to skip to that page.

Refresh Button

Click Refresh to refresh the information displayed in the detail entry table.


Button Description

Click Create New to create a new record. For example, on the A/R Customers screen, click this button to create a new customer record.

Click Delete to delete the displayed record. If you cannot delete a record, an error message explains why it cannot be deleted.

Click Print to print a report after you have specified settings and criteria for records to include in the report.

Click Save to add a new record you have created, or to save changes you have made to an existing record.