Banking and Tax > Tax Services > Setting Up Tax Services > Tax Services Security Authorizations

Tax Services Security Authorizations

If security is turned on for your Sage 300 system, the system administrator must assign users security authorization for Tax Services screens.

For information on turning on security, setting up security groups, and assigning authorizations, see Managing Users and Security.

Note: To change the print destination for forms and reports, you must have Change Print Destination security authorization for Administration.

To view records and to print reports in Tax Services, you must belong to a security group with Common Inquiry authorization. Common Inquiry permission by itself does not let you edit any Tax Services records.

To edit records or perform processing tasks, the system administrator must grant the group access to additional tasks from the following list:

Tax Services Security Authorizations
Security Authorization Description
Common Inquiry View setup screens.
Maintain Tax Information Edit tax screens.
Import Tax Services Data Import data if access to maintain tax information has been granted.
Export Tax Services Data Export data if access to maintain tax information has been granted.