Enter your company's address, using up to four lines, with a maximum of 60 characters on each line.
Enter the name of the city where your company is located.
Enter the name of a general contact (either a person or a position) at your company, using up to 60 characters.
This contact is useful if you maintain separate accounting records for more than one company or division.
Note: You can enter a different contact in each subledger (General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable).
Enter the name of the country where your company is located.
This field displays a six-character code that identifies your company. You cannot change it.
Enter the commonly used name of your company.
Note: This name can be different from your company's legal (registered) name.
Enter the general contact fax number for your company.
Note: You can enter a different fax number in each subledger (General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable).
Select this option to format all 10-digit phone and fax numbers using parentheses and hyphens in the following pattern: (555) 433-4333.
Do not select this option if you use longer phone or fax numbers, or need additional punctuation.
Note: This option must be the same (either selected or cleared) in the Company Profile and all subledgers (General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable).
Enter the legal (registered) name of your company.
Enter the general contact phone number for your company.
Note: You can enter a different phone number in each subledger (General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable).
Enter the name of the state or province where your company is located.
Enter the number you use to file 1099 or CPRS reports for your company.
Enter your company's zip or postal code.
Enter a 6-character code for the branch.
Enter a 6-character code for the country.
Specify the default currency rate type for converting a source currency amount to its functional-currency equivalent.
A description of the specified rate type will display in the Rate Type Description field.
Specify the currency in which your company books are kept.
A description of the specified currency appears in the Currency Description field.
If you have more than one company, you can define a different functional currency for each company.
Specify the accounting method to use for exchange gains and losses that arise during revaluation. For more information, see About Accounting for Exchange Gains and Losses.
Specify the type of message that appears in subledgers and Bank Services if a user enters an inactive general ledger account number:
If your country requires Value Added Tax (VAT) reporting, enter the location code (up to 30 characters).
If your country requires Value Added Tax (VAT) reporting, enter the location type code (6 characters).
Specify the type of message that appears in subledgers and Bank Services if a user enters or posts a transaction to a locked fiscal period:
Important! If you select Warning or None for this option, users can post transactions in subledgers and create batches for General Ledger even to locked fiscal periods. You should select Error if you want to prevent posting to a locked period.
This option does not affect processing in General Ledger. Regardless of your selection for this option, no user can post transactions in General Ledger to a period that is locked for General Ledger. The system always generates an error when you try to post to a locked fiscal period in General Ledger.
This option does not affect Data Integrity checks or your ability to save bank records.
Select this option if your company does business in more than one currency, and you enter, create, import, post, and report transactions in more than one currency.
Note: After saving the company profile, you cannot change this option for the company.
Specify the type of message that appears in subledgers and Bank Services if a user enters a general ledger account number that does not exist in General Ledger:
Specify the number of fiscal periods on your company calendar:
Note: If you select 13, you must specify the quarter that has four periods (rather than three) in the Quarter with 4 Periods field.
If you use a 13-period ledger, specify the quarter that contains four fiscal periods, rather than three.
Note: You can change this quarter later, although if you do, your previously printed reports may not be consistent with data printed after the change.
Enter a number of days. If a user enters a transaction date that is before or after the session date by more than the number of days specified in this field, a warning message appears. This helps prevent entry of incorrect transaction dates.
Note: If you want warnings to appear less often, enter a large number, such as 999.
Use the Company Profile screen to specify information and settings for your company, including:
Note: The information entered on the Address tab appears as the default in other Sage 300 programs. However, you can change contact details (contact person, phone number, and fax number) in individual programs.