Saving and Loading Scripts

If you frequently use the same settings when importing and exporting records, you can save time by creating and using a script containing these settings.

To save a script:

  1. Open the Import or Export screen.
  2. Select a file that you often use for importing or exporting, select an action, then change the values if needed (for an import). (Do not click OK to import or export the file yet.)
  3. Click the Save Scripts button. The Open dialog box appears.
  4. Select a directory, then enter a filename for the script, and click Open.

    You return to the Import or Export dialog box.

To use saved script:

  1. Open the Import or Export dialog box for the screen you want to import to or export from.
  2. Click the Load Scripts button.
  3. Select a script file, then click Open. You return to the Import or Export dialog box, where the values chosen when you saved the script appear in the columns.
  4. To import or export the same data, click OK. (You can right-click columns to change values for an import before clicking OK).