Customize Navigation Menu Screen


Use the Customize Navigation Menu screen to customize the screens that are available on the navigation menu.

For example, you can hide the A/R Invoice Entry web screen, or the A/R Transactions category, or the Accounts Receivable module.

If you hide all web screens in a category, the category does not appear in the navigation menu. If you hide all web screens and categories in a module, the module does not appear in the navigation menu.

Web screens are hidden or shown by company according to the selections you make on the Customize Navigation Menu screen. If you manage multiple companies, you must sign in to each company separately to specify which web screens are hidden or shown for users who sign in to that company.

Desktop screens are hidden and shown based on user authorizations and security groups. Using the Customize Navigation Menu to hide or show a web screen has no effect on the corresponding desktop screen.

  • You must be signed in as an administrator to use the Customize Navigation Menu screen.
  • You can make changes to the navigation menu while other users are signed in, but they will not see the changes until they refresh their browser or sign out and sign in again.
  • To open any screen that appears on the navigation menu, users must be assigned to a security group that is authorized to use the screen. For more information, see About Security Groups.