Printing Checks for a Batch of Payments

The most common way to print checks is using the Print/Post button on the A/P Payment Batch List screen or the Post button on the A/P Payment Entry Screen to print checks for an entire batch, and then immediately post the batch. More...

You can print checks and advices on different types of check stock, as follows:

  • Print checks on forms that include an advice slip listing the details of the payment.
  • Print checks and advices, separately, on different forms.
  • Print only checks.
  • Print only advices.

For more information about the check and advice formats that come with Accounts Payable, see About Printing Checks

You can print checks while other users are printing checks, provided the check runs are for different payment batches.

When to Print

Print all the checks in a payment batch before posting the batch.

To print checks and post the payment information to vendor accounts, you:

  1. Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transactions > Payment Batch List or Payment Entry.
  2. Select the batch for which you want to print checks.
  3. Click Print/Post on the Payment Batch List screen, or click Post on the Payment Entry screen.
  4. If you are posting the payments, click Yes. More...

    Accounts Payable performs the following tasks after you click Yes:

    • Checks that the batch has been listed if the Force Listing Of Batches option is selected on the A/P Options screen.
    • Checks that the Ready To Post option is selected for the batch. If it is not, Accounts Payable asks whether to set the batch to Ready To Post and continue with posting.
    • Posts the batch immediately if all checks in the batch have been printed, or if the payment batch contains no checks.
    • If there are checks to be printed, Accounts Payable displays the Print Checks screen.
  5. On the Print Checks screen, review the settings and the list of checks the program is ready to print. More...

    You can change the following items if they are incorrect:

    • Check Stock Code. select one of the check stock codes defined for your bank. The check stock is composed of the physical check forms, combined with report specifications and the check language.

      The description for the code and its type are displayed in the Print Checks form.

    • Next Check Number. Bank Services assigns numbers sequentially to the checks in the batch, beginning with this number.
    • Number of Leading Checks. Although nothing is printed on leading checks, Bank Services needs this information to assign check numbers to the blank forms, to keep the audit trail intact.
    • Check/Advice Form. This is the report format for printing the check and/or advice forms. You cannot proceed to print and post checks unless the report format is valid.
  6. When you are ready to print the checks, click Print.

    When printing is finished, it asks whether the checks were printed correctly.

  7. Review the checks, and then click Yes or No.

    If you clicked No, click Select Reprint Range, specify a range of checks for reprinting, and then click Reprint.

    After you click Yes to accept the check run (or the advice run, if printing advices), Accounts Payable returns you to the A/P Payment Batch List screen and posts the payments to vendor accounts.

    Important! After check data has been posted, you cannot reprint the checks or advices.