Capturing a Pre-authorized Credit Card Payment

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About Payment Processing Transactions

Capturing and Invoicing Pre-authorized Credit Card Payments

Process Credit Card Screen

Pre-authorizing a Credit Card Payment

Voiding a Credit Card Pre-authorization

You capture a pre-authorized credit card payment when you are ready to process payment for goods that you have shipped, or for goods or services that a customer has received. More...

You can capture a pre-authorization only once. After you capture it, the pre-authorization is released in full, regardless of whether the amount captured matches the amount that was pre-authorized.

On the O/E Shipment Entry screen, when you open a document with a pre-authorization, the Create Invoice option is selected by default. You must create an invoice when capturing a pre-authorized credit card payment from this screen.

Depending on the settings you specified on the Payment Processing Options screen, you may be required to capture a pre-authorized payment on the O/E Shipment Entry screen before shipping an order, or you may be able to post the shipment, and then capture the payment later when creating the invoice.

If a pre-authorization has expired, you may be able to force a payment for the pre-authorized amount.

Note: Forced transactions may be subject to higher fees than regular transactions.

For more information about forcing payment, see About Pre-authorizing, Capturing, and Forcing Credit Card Payments.

Note: You can use the O/E Capture Payments with Invoices screen to process a batch of pre-authorized payments for multiple Order Entry documents. For more information, see Capturing and Invoicing Pre-authorized Credit Card Payments.

Tip: On the O/E Order Entry screen, you can use the Order Number Finder to view pre-authorization status. If a credit card payment has been pre-authorized but not processed for the order, the Order Has Pre-authorization column for the order displays "Yes."

To capture a pre-authorized credit card payment:

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions.
  2. Select Order Entry, Shipment Entry, or Invoice Entry.

    Note: You can capture pre-authorized payments from the O/E Invoice Entry screen only if the Require Capture of Pre-authorized Payments at Shipment option is cleared on the Payment Processing Options screen.

  3. Select a document or order number for which a credit card payment has been pre-authorized.

    Note: On the O/E Shipment Entry screen, the Create Invoice option is selected by default. You must create an invoice when capturing a pre-authorized credit card payment from this screen.

  4. For each item that you are shipping, enter the quantity shipped in the Quantity Shipped field.
  5. Click Capture.

    The O/E Prepayments screen appears. The Payment Code, Processing Code, and Pre-authorization Amount fields display the information that was entered for the pre-authorization.

    Note: The Receipt Amount field displays the invoice amount, rather than the pre-authorized amount.

  6. Select a batch for the prepayment, or create a new batch.
  7. In the Receipt Amount field, enter the amount to capture for the pre-authorization.

    Note: When you capture a pre-authorized credit card payment, the amount captured can be different than the amount that was pre-authorized. For example, if a customer at a restaurant adds a tip, the amount captured will be greater than the amount that was pre-authorized.

  8. Click Add.

    The Charge button becomes available.

    Note: The Quick Charge button cannot be used to capture a pre-authorized payment.

  9. Click Charge.

    The Process Credit Card screen appears.

  10. Review totals.

    Note: For some transactions, you can edit the amount in the Taxes field in order to comply with Level 2 processing requirements. When you edit this amount, the amount in the Subtotal field is calculated automatically by subtracting the taxes you entered from the transaction total.

  11. Click Process Payment.

    Paya processes the payment.

  12. Post the document.