Payment Processing > Screen Guides > Options

Payment Processing Options Screen

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Use the Payment Processing Options screen to select options that specify how you process credit card payments in Sage Payment Solutions.

  • The Processing tab appears only if you use Order Entry.
  • You cannot save changes to options that affect Payment Processing integration with Order Entry until all other users have left Order Entry and all Order Entry screens are closed.
  • After making changes to program options (on Options screens) or optional fields (on Optional Fields screens), you and all other users must sign out and sign in again to apply the changes.

On the Processing tab, use the Require Capture of Pre-authorized Payments at Shipment option to specify whether Order Entry users are required to process ("capture") a credit card payment that has been pre-authorized for an order before posting a shipment.

  • If you select this option, you must capture the pre-authorized payment and select the option to create an invoice before posting a shipment.
  • If you clear this option, you can post the shipment without capturing the pre-authorized payment, and then capture the payment when creating the invoice. (You can also capture the payment when shipping, but are not required to do so before posting the shipment.)

    Note: After posting a shipment for an order with a pre-authorization, you must capture the pre-authorized payment and invoice the shipment before you can create another shipment for the order.