Order Entry > Period End Procedures > Creating a Batch of G/L Transactions in O/E

Creating a Batch of General Ledger Transactions in Order Entry

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About Periodic Processing

General Ledger Accounts Used by Order Entry

O/E Create Batch Screen

O/E G/L Integration Screen

You use the O/E Create Batch screen to create General Ledger batches if you do not automatically create G/L transactions when you post transactions or when you run Day End Processing.

You specify how to create G/L transactions using the Create G/L Transactions option on the O/E G/L Integration screen. For more information, see O/E G/L Integration Screen.

If a fiscal period is locked for General Ledger but not for Order Entry, you can create batches for General Ledger as follows:


If you try to post transactions to a locked period in General Ledger, transactions will be added to an error batch. To prevent this from happening, create and post General Ledger batches for outstanding Order Entry transactions before locking the period for General Ledger.

Similarly, you can create transactions for Accounts Receivable from Order Entry transactions, but you cannot post them to a period that is locked for Accounts Receivable.

To create a batch of General Ledger transactions:

  1. Open Order Entry > Periodic Processing  > Create Batch.

    The O/E Create Batch screen appears. The Create G/L Batch Through Day End Number option is selected by default.

  2. Specify the range of day-end numbers for which to create General Ledger transactions. (You create the transactions for all outstanding day-end numbers up to and including the number you specify.)
  3. If you also want to post invoice transactions created by Order Entry in Accounts Receivable, select the Post A/R Batch option.
  4. Click Process.