Inventory Control > Setting Up Inventory Control > Integration with Other Programs > Using Inventory Control with Order Entry

Using Inventory Control with Order Entry

Order Entry provides a fully featured sales order and invoice processing system that works with Inventory Control.

Order Entry Uses I/C Price Lists

Order Entry displays item numbers and price list information such as prices and pricing units, sale prices, and discounted prices from Inventory Control when you enter sales orders.

Effect of Order Entry Transactions on Inventory Control

Order Entry transactions affect Inventory Control data as follows:

Sage 300 keeps item quantities updated online, which means that stock quantities in Inventory Control affected by Order Entry transactions are always up to date.

Day End Processing in Inventory Control updates sales statistics and transaction history for Order Entry transactions (and for Inventory Control transactions) in both Order Entry and Inventory Control, and creates Accounts Receivable invoices and credit notes from Order Entry transactions.