Inventory Control > Printing Inventory Control Reports > Printing Price/Sales Analysis Reports > Price Lists

Printing the I/C Price Lists Report

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I/C Price Lists Report

Inventory Control Reports

The I/C Price Lists report shows the price, markup, and discount information for items in the range of price lists you select.

There are four versions of the report: Price List, Detail, Price List Summary, and Item Number Summary.

To print the I/C Price Lists report:

  1. Open Inventory Control > I/C Price/Sales Analysis Reports > Price Lists.

  2. In the I/C Price Lists Report screen, select the version of the report.
  3. If you only want to include a range of price lists or currencies used in price lists (in a multicurrency system), enter the range in the From and To columns in the table.
  4. If you want the report to calculate item prices based on costs, select the Display Price Calculated Using a Cost option. This only applies to items that have the base or sale price specified as Base/Sale Price Calculated Using a Cost in the price list. (This option does not appear for a Detail report.)
  5. For Use Cost Base For, select either:
    • Specific Location, and then select the location, to calculate the price based on the Base/Sale Cost at that location.
    • All Locations to calculate the price based on the Base/Sale Cost for each location where the item exists.
  6. If you want to sort the report by item number, category, item segment, or an optional field value, select the sort order for Sort By. If you also want to limit the report to a range of values for the sort field, enter the range for From and To.
  7. When printing the Detail version of the report, you can select additional information for the report by selecting the options in the Include area of the screen.
  8. If you use multicurrency accounting, also make selections for the following fields:

    From Currency [ ] to [ ]. Select the currency for the report.

  9. Click Print.

    The report appears in a new window. You can print the report or export it to a file.